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Hummel, 16 Characteristic Pieces

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 10:22 am
by steltz
We have the Cantabile from this, and probably a few of the others.

Question no.1 -- should they go on one page under the original title, or remain split? Grove doesn't seem to list this particular publication, but nor do they seem to list any of the pieces separately.
Question no.2 -- The title page (which is on a different work page) says "16 Characteristic Pieces / Preceded by Technical Studies / & Edited by Dr. H. Riemann". The problem is that the Technical Studies are placed under Riemann's name, as if he wrote them, and the way I read this title page, the studies are also by Hummel.

Can a pianist please confirm this for me before I change page titles around? The link is: ... n,_Hugo%29