Wrong publication date for Schubert: Der Taucher D 77

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Wrong publication date for Schubert: Der Taucher D 77

Post by uliska »

I'm not sure if this really is the right place for reporting errors such as erroneous publication dates and what elements of proof would be needed for such a report. So please correct me politely if this is the wrong place or something relevant is missing from the following:

The first publications of Franz Schubert: Der Taucher D 77 (https://imslp.org/wiki/Der_Taucher,_D.7 ... rt,_Franz)) are cited as
  • 1831 (1st version)
  • 1894 (2nd version)
which is not correct. Both versions have first been published in Mandyczewsky's edition in 1894. The song published by Diabelli in 1831 is a version that Diabelli based on the first version but heavily edited using excerpts from the second version. It seems he only had the first version available as autograph and the second version only in a copy, so (that's my understanding) he based his edition on the autograph but interspersed the "improvements" wherever he couldn't resist.

There is no proper proof to this because neither Mandyczewski nor Dürr consider the Diabelli editions worthy of critical discussion. However, Mandyczewski describes in his critical report one Schubert manuscript with heavy corrections and edits by Diabelli. This can't fully be reconstructed and leaves some doubts since some of the sources are missing today, but whatever the conclusion about the sequence of events, the version published in 1831 is not one of Schubert's versions but a pasticcio by Diabelli.