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imslp api / idea for basic architecture: ckan

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 1:18 pm
by big_imslp_fan

as far as i read in wikis and forums, there is some ground work
on the imslp api curently going on.

from my experience in designing api's for different data access
scenarios i know that this quite hard to design, code and run
good api's and inspire app developer to take off.

in my job we are focussed on the upcoming open data portals
for public institution. they have similar api requirements as imslp
but there is a very popular solution for such kinds of challenges:
the "ckan" software. ckan is open source and available on github:
more information on github is available here:

disclaimer: no, i am not ckan, just ckan user!

ckans seems to be relevant for imslp because of:
- ckan handles datasets ("music pieces") with different
resource types (url, midi, audio,pdf, lilypond, etc.)
- easily installable and extensible with packages
- full api support
- rdf-support for exchange of score metadata
- ckan can exchange resources with peer ckans

maybe one of you great imslp architects can evaluate the use
of ckan for imslp. from my point f view, ckan could help to motive
application developers to create much code around the imslp
data (mobile apps, web fromtends, processing applications, etc.)
and get imslp a kickstart in the open apps world to grow
even more faster.

we (imslp comsumers) do not only need the raw data
(scores, audio, etc.) but also creative apps to access imslp!
and apps need api's.

like to get feedback on that...

the big_imslp_fan