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Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 11:56 pm
by imslp
Just wanted to drop by and note that I will probably be unable to answer any but the most pressing questions for the next x hours until IMSLP goes back up. I have tons of work still left to do...

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 12:41 am
by kongming819
You're doing amazing work!!! Admirable spirit, nerves, and agility!
As the Chinese put it, 加油! 加油! 加油! 加油! :D

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 12:44 am
by aldona
Ladies and gentlemen, start your scanners...

(if you haven't already) 8)

The Second Coming of IMSLP is at hand. :wink: :) :D 8)


Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 7:07 pm
by kongming819

But some (all of the files I've tried) are only 11 kb each and therefore not the entire file and therefore "damaged" :(

But I hope a fix will be up for that soooooon

[EDIT: 6/30/08 3:30 PM EDT]

Ok so the files are all OK. What did I do wrong? I right-clicked and selected Save As (actually I didn't but that is one possible scenario). People, don't do that! You must open it by clicking on it normally to get through the disclaimer part first then you can access the main file.

Also, for Firefox users, if you are using the PDF Download from NitroSoft, you must select Open PDF to get to the disclaimer page.

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 7:17 pm
by Melodia
And as expected, it looks like there's no US-only server, with composers like Stravinsky -- will that be coming back at all?

Still, it's great to see it return...checking out one of my favorite composers (Sibelius, who wasn't in Canadian PD until this year), I see a whole slew of yummy stuff....


Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 7:34 pm
by JrPlender
And has thou restored IMSLP?!

Come to my arms, my beamish boy!
O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!

(I can't contain my happiness! I've been counting the days!)

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 7:36 pm
by kongming819
Whoa! Very nice Carroll allusion!

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 7:37 pm
by imslp
Melodia wrote:And as expected, it looks like there's no US-only server, with composers like Stravinsky -- will that be coming back at all?
Yes, but not now. I will explain in detail later (currently dead tired and still have tons of stuff to do).

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 8:07 pm
by ras1
Finally, the name of this thread is realized!

And now, I have so uploading to do...

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 9:59 pm
by coqui
Welcome back!

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 10:04 pm
by Elli
New here. Very excited. How do I get started using IMSLP?

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 11:35 pm
by emeraldimp
Three cheers for Feldmahler!


(And yes, I typed all three separately :-P )

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 11:36 pm
by Peter
Elli wrote:New here. Very excited. How do I get started using IMSLP?
Elli, you can start browsing scores by selecting a search method in the red box on the homepage. You can find much information if you click on the Contributor Portal on the left side of the web site, but we are aware that our documentation is not fully developed and this will be a near-future goal.

Thank you

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 12:24 am
by carmar1791
Thank you Feldmahler!!!! Bravo!
Great work! And thank you to all other people have helped imslp ressurrection !
Great day this!
Ciao Complimenti!

Welcome Back, and a day early!

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 12:42 am
by cconsaul
I have to tell lots of friends but wanted to thank you first. I have been following your trials and tribulations with baited breath and it is really nice to see somebody win one. Congratulations and thank you for not giving up on us.