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A little update

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 12:56 am
by imslp
Some of you guys may have been wondering where I've gone in the recent weeks, since I haven't been too active on the forums or the wiki. I just wanted to drop in and confirm that, the last time I checked, I'm still alive. ;)

My relative inactivity is more a result of being terribly busy with various aspects of real life. More specifically, I'm in the process of trying to get a sustainable method of living (read: job), so that I can continue to run and support IMSLP. Don't worry: IMSLP is not going anywhere. I just wanted to drop in and say that I will be very busy until my own future is secured before I can spend as much time on IMSLP as I have before... so if you need me to resolve any urgent matter, please e-mail me at the address on my user page.

And a little update: a IMSLP donor generously set up a mirror for IMSLP on his own servers for no charge, which IMSLP will be using soon. I would like to personally thank him and all the other contributors who e-mailed me offering mirror servers, some of whom I have not yet responded to. But I definitely will.

I hope everyone is well! :-) I promise I will post blog entries once all this busyness dies down.

Re: A little update

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 12:29 pm
by zoe liu
Thank you for offer us free score,i come from china,i will support you for ever ,thank you again!

Re: A little update

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 5:41 pm
by Peter
I think it would be wise, in the view of your possible absence, of providing code access to people who know how to work with it. I'm convinced that this, in addition to mirroring and backing up, is essential for a guaranteed longevity.

Re: A little update

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 1:49 am
by imslp
I have already given both Leonard and Horndude access to the code, and the ability to change it (though all changes need to be reviewed by me before they go into effect). I have also provided information on code styling policies and general code structure. Neither Leonard or Horndude have submitted anything yet, but I've only given them access since late August.

Unfortunately the intersection between musicians and programmers isn't of a significant size, and I do not feel comfortable (nor do I think other IMSLP contributors would) giving access to IMSLP code to random people without a record of contribution to IMSLP.

However, the current code should be at the point that actual code changes should be rare, except for large projects of course. Nearly all translation material is on the wiki, and reasonable template changes can also be done via the wiki. One thing I would encourage is documentation, because I think the problem is not that there aren't enough features; it is that most of them aren't documented. For example, all of the text on special pages are translatable (including field descriptors), though not many (or any for that matter) people know this.