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Front page photo

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 11:47 pm
by jujimufu
Hello hello.

I literally just saw the new front page, and I must say I much prefer it to the draft old one.

But I must say we must think carefully about the image we will choose to put on the front page. The front page tells a lot about the website and I believe it would be best if we chose an image to be representative of the website and also potentially memorable.

The website contains not only music from the renaissance and baroque times, but anything in between then (and before) and today, from all sorts of styles. The common thing of all these scores is music, and publication of that music (otherwise it wouldn't be there/here).

I think it would be best if we use, for example, a score from Petrucci's first book, like this: ... ecaton.jpg
and combine it with something more contemporary and modern, something related to the open-source world.

But that's just because I believe the front-page image is too old-fashioned to represent what IMSLP is and keeps becoming. I'd be really happy to see people discuss this, whether for or against the idea of changing the front page image.

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 1:05 am
by Yagan Kiely
Jackson Pollock? :lol: ...much like having Threnody playing in the background.
But that's just because I believe the front-page image is too old-fashioned to represent what IMSLP is and keeps becoming.
Well.... the overwhelming majority of pieces on IMSLP is in face the "old-fashioned" stuff, and that's also what people come to IMSLP to find.

20th Century art is extremely stylistic, putting any 20th century art would favour one artist or specific genre at the expense of the rest (as there are such stark comparisons). Earlier art, while still remaining stylistic, is much less and is more of a general style (for the layman) than a modern counterpart.

Would you also believe that the Main Page picture is too old fashioned?

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 1:18 am
by Yagan Kiely
Not to mention that the painting is actually almost 20th Century (take 8 years) and has nothing to do with the Baroque or Renaissance (Piano also). I think Renoir is a very nice choice considering.

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 1:58 am
by jujimufu
I don't see any reason for any kind of bashing in terms of trying to objectively put my opinion in the trashbin using facts and statistics, simply because it's my opinion and you don't have to agree with it.

Also, in case I have been misunderstood, or in case you failed to understand what I said, I am not saying that IMSLP is not a place where many people look for baroque/classical/romantic scores, and these people are more than the ones looking for contemporary music, but I am saying that the image is not representative of IMSLP in terms of what IMSLP is; IMSLP as a collection of public domain scores, freely available to the public (both as in freedom and as in beer), whether these scores have legally fallen out of copyright, or the copyright owner has chosen to distribute them under a CC or similar license.

Now, I believe that this very concept is not represented by the image chosen, or if it is, it's not directly represented and I fail to see it.

All I am asking is for a reconsideration of the front page image and its suitability, and the possibility of considering changing it, and I am doing so now because it's just been up and it's going to be a lot easier to change it now than later, if other people share the opinion that it would be nicer if we put a little bit more effort into choosing a more representative image for our front page.


"Would you also believe that the Main Page picture is too old fashioned?"

Is this a trick question? I don't like the tone of it anyway. But to reply to your answer, yes, I do think it is a bit old fashioned. I would personally prefer something else, but it hasn't really bothered me that much because I don't stay around the main page for too long, and it doesn't hit the eye as much as the other one, in my opinion.

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 2:37 am
by Yagan Kiely
I don't see any reason for any kind of bashing in terms of trying to objectively put my opinion in the trashbin using facts and statistics, simply because it's my opinion and you don't have to agree with it.
I don't understand the wording of this. But I think I agree.
I am not saying that IMSLP is not a place where many people look for baroque/classical/romantic scores, and these people are more than the ones looking for contemporary music, but I am saying that the image is not representative of IMSLP in terms of what IMSLP is;
I know exactly what you are saying. Am I not allowed to disagree at all? You seem to think my act of disagreeing or having a different opinion somehow diminishes yours - it doesn't. The picture (IMO!) represents what most people want from IMSLP - it is music related (the piano) and it is relatively representative (stylistically) to what a majority of the pieces (to the layman) appear to be.
All I am asking is for a reconsideration of the front page image and its suitability, and the possibility of considering changing it, and I am doing so now because it's just been up and it's going to be a lot easier to change it now than later, if other people share the opinion that it would be nicer if we put a little bit more effort into choosing a more representative image for our front page.
And I applaud that! I would like that also and I am in favour of it changing if a more suitable artwork is found. I am merely putting my own opinion forth that I don't believe it is old fashioned and it does represent IMSLP, be it more abstractly.
Is this a trick question? I don't like the tone of it anyway. But to reply to your answer, yes, I do think it is a bit old fashioned. I would personally prefer something else, but it hasn't really bothered me that much because I don't stay around the main page for too long, and it doesn't hit the eye as much as the other one, in my opinion.
Please stop being so defensive. I was asking for your opinion on a related matter so I can more fully understand where you are coming from. Contrary to what you may believe, I do actually want to make your experience at IMSLP as good as possible. Just because we differ on small issues, does not mean that we are attacking each other!
IMSLP as a collection of public domain scores, freely available to the public (both as in freedom and as in beer), whether these scores have legally fallen out of copyright, or the copyright owner has chosen to distribute them under a CC or similar license.
But how do you represent CC or PD? Have a watermark of them over an image (eew)? Have paintings that are actually CC - but how does an unknown artist help IMSLP, the artist would still be alive and thus IMSLP can't favour one over another? If the artwork is PD, it will certainly be too old-fashioned.

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 2:39 am
by Yagan Kiely
I think that for continuity sake, both the pictures on the main page and the portal should be the same picture and that if a new picture is chosen, a similar colour scheme should be one of the criteria, as the current one suites the site colour scheme well.

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 9:55 am
by Leonard Vertighel
Yagan Kiely wrote:I think that for continuity sake, both the pictures on the main page and the portal should be the same picture and that if a new picture is chosen, a similar colour scheme should be one of the criteria, as the current one suites the site colour scheme well.
Actually it's the other way round: the IMSLP colour scheme is derived from the Lippi painting.

I think the question is: do the other projects (IMDBP and others in planning) have to use the same colour scheme as the Petrucci Library? If the answer is yes, then it may make sense to have the same scheme also on the portal. But if not, I'm not sure why the portal should use the same scheme as the Petrucci Library.

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 12:03 pm
by Yagan Kiely
But if not, I'm not sure why the portal should use the same scheme as the Petrucci Library.
Because it is (without doubt) IMSLP's flagship?
IMSLP colour scheme is derived from the Lippi painting.
I do however enjoy the scheme!