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Site down?

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 4:10 pm
by Fynnjamin
Hi, I haven't been able to get on IMSLP today - is the site down? Anyone else experiencing the same problem? I know at least one of my university lecturers can't get on - an email was sent around the department this morning (under the impression it had been taken down due to the old copyright blah blah, citing the recent news article).
*Praying it's not been shut down!*

Re: Site down?

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 5:41 pm
by steltz
I've posted this on another forum, but we got a message saying that internet usage would be iffy for a while because a lot of internet usage from Japan now has to be re-routed, which will put severe strain on other systems.

I'm hoping the IMSLP problems is due to that, but it does mean we are in for a couple of weeks at least of on and off problems.

Re: Site down?

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 6:38 pm
by maestrogamer0110
Imslp is down?? NNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! any idea when it will return?

Re: Site down?

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 8:45 pm
by Eric
Seems to be, crossing fingers and all that, back.

Re: Site down?

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 1:14 am
by Fynnjamin
Ah. Back now.

Re: Site down?

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 11:43 pm
by imslp
Just a short note about what happened on Monday.

Essentially, everything on the server was fine except for the web server which appears to have been knocked offline somehow (no data was lost). I have an idea of what happened (it is quite benign), but I need to check to make sure. The server has been restarted and everything should function as normal, except for a slight slowness for the next day or two due to the restart.

Re: Site down?

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 2:34 pm
by daphnis
Feld, any more information you can provide about the recent outage? At this point in our growth and reputation, downtime of that long is worrying.

Re: Site down?

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 3:51 pm
by imslp
It was basically the result of a bug introduced due to an upgrade I performed a few days ago. There are no side effects other than the downtime. As I mentioned before, the reason for the length of the downtime was because I found out 20 minutes prior to boarding my plane flight (which itself took 3 hours).

The technical reason: Squid failed to restart itself after the log rotater tried to restart it, because I upgraded Squid a few days ago, and apparently part of the upgrade involved migrating the Squid control script to the new INIT system (I have no idea why they attempted to do this in a stable version). What I did not know was that in order for Squid to restart properly I needed to restart the server itself, which is rather unusual (but which ended up happening somewhat inadvertently anyway when I asked the data center folks to restart it after my plane landed).

Essentially, the control script thought Squid was already running when it tried to start up Squid again; it didn't realize that Squid was in shutdown mode by then. This may be because of differences in handling the PID file with the new INIT. And so the result is that Squid gets shut down by the control script without being restarted. Since all requests go to Squid in the first instance, that means nobody could access the website.

Re: Site down?

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 4:00 pm
by daphnis
Thanks for the explanation. Are you the only one who maintains the web backend, or is there someone else who does or can also handle things like this?

Re: Site down?

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 6:14 pm
by imslp
I think these technical details are probably better discussed via e-mail, or in the Moderator Forum if for some reason necessary.

Re: Site down?

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 7:41 am
by camaysar
Update: Page would not load (search for Alkan Sonatine score.) Server not recognized.

Re: Site down?

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 11:08 am
by janeh
I also haven't been able to get into the site since late last night - trying to access it from France but keep getting "Problem loading page" each time I try.

Re: Site down?

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 11:20 am
by Generoso
For the latest news see this viewtopic.php?f=1&t=4774