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Please help all togehter to save IMSLP for the future

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 10:05 am
by Odin

I am new on this site, living in Sweden and not very familiar with written English.

Now I read - as so many others - that Mr. Feldmahler was forced by
representatives for the publishing industry to close down the webbsite

I was a new user and now I feel very sad and disappointed that this
wonderful fountain of almost unlimited musical material disappeared
after (for my part) a very short time.

I am not a party member but I like the thoughts, the political programme
and the intentions of the Swedish Pirate Party (
Now I om trying to persuade them to take over this site activity in some

Please let us all help together. Do not let the dark side win.


Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 10:21 am
by Yagan Kiely
Is that company at all involved with pirated... anything?

If so, I'm afraid that while you are trying to help, you may not be.

If not, thankyou for helping.

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 10:34 am
by Vivaldi
Yes, and is the company legal?

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 10:57 am
by Peter
Please keep this clear: our administrator was NOT forced to close down the website by UE. Please read his letter on the website and the sticky treads here.

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 11:02 am
by Yagan Kiely

Appears to be fine. Excuse our ignorance!

However, what is the life of Copyright in Sweden?

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 11:05 am
by Vivaldi
Please accept our apologies as the mere mention of the word "pirate" might be sensitive here. Is Sweden's copyright law the same as the rest of the EU (eg. life+700?

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 11:09 am
by Yagan Kiely
I don't know why, but I actually found that typo very amusing.:D

Maybe I need more sleep......... :? :shock:

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 11:10 am
by Vivaldi
You do, mate. Thing's will surely be better tomorrow.

Copyright law in Sweden

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 11:21 am
by Odin

Unfortunately it´s quite the same:

For authors, composers etc. it is (yet !) lifetime + 70 years.
Don´t ask me why. I cannot accept that a person is paid for
his/her productive work many years after his/her own death.

The Swedish Pirate Party - and other Pirate Parties in Europe -
work for fundamental changes in the copyright legislation,
among other issues also new and much shorter periods of
protection (never more than lifetime - anyhow).

The Sweidish Pirate Party is - as its name shows - not a
company but a political movement which files for the usual
elections to the swedish parliament (riksdagen). So far this
party is very new, and the next elections are not befor 2010.


Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 11:53 am
by baphomet
Yeah,Beethoven and Mozart died a long time ago,why can't we download their beautiful works? :cry:

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 12:03 pm
by Yagan Kiely
Deliberations are currently in progress to establish an understanding of IMSLP's future.

Please hang tight.

Deliberations and discussions are being held for various reasons and with various people/organisations regarding the future of IMSLP, I apologise for closing this thread, which under normal circumstances would be a legitimate thread. However, the current status of IMSLP is not normal, and is quite frankly slightly unstable. It is because of this I need to close all threads with a similar topic as to stop the forum from flooding in such times.

Apologies again,