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Enough of this

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 9:55 am
by cellopro
At Arctic Wind's Request, I have started a new topic for this; following is a CC of a reply I made in a sticky in this forum.

Enough of this. I represent a small community of string musicians. My websites include, and others. It has been my mission to provide music, as well as musical scholarships to the select few that can afford it. At USD$1 per file, I'm hoping everyone can.

Dollar means USD. USD is falling rapidly and I don't care. Recession, Depression makes no difference to me.

As a self-made millionaire in royalties, compositions, and arrangements, I simply must speak up on this one. I WAS considering making a little money on the side with the whole "dollar process". Now, considering my library in itself, without the benefit of IMSLP, is more than substantial vs. the competition, INCLUDING IMSLP!!! I have been in meetings the whole week, both performing and legal, I'm now going to speak up.

It WAS my intention to make money in downloading PD parts. I will still do so.

However, I have realized the bigger picture here. My original intent was to make those so-called publishers who have used the same plates for 100+ years pay for their laziness and provide parts for the generalized musicians out there. Case in point:

****** publisher out of NY sent me an injunction. My lawyers, promptly sued them for A: Restriction of Trade and B: Barristry. The injunction was pulled within three hours. Go figure.

Now, I've got the money and the lawyers to do something. My download site is not the greatest, and right now it caters to the strings. Yes, you may have guessed I do own several other websites, including, which is on hold while gets off the ground.

IMSLP being taken offline is a bonus to me. It has increased traffic and sales.

Unfortunately, even as a cellist, professionally, I cannot describe the full extent of what is happening here on IMSLP. This site is being bullied by an organization, that according to it's public statements over it's financial situation CANNOT begin to pursue this. Although in some ways I am in direct competition with IMSLP, I cannot sit still any longer, even if it costs me money.

I CAN and WILL pursue UE Vienna for the above two breaches in Copyright law, wether it be for CA or any other country.

I CAN and WILL make sure the 12 orchestras and Theaters I work with will NOT rent or purchase ANY parts from UE period. This means COMPLETE Boycott of all UE parts. In addition, I will make it my pledge to confront UE on every and all levels to ensure that all parts by UE will be transcribed by ME or my associates to ensure EVERY orchestra, ensemble, and theater will be able to play ANY PD music in the US and Canada by UE. My original idea was to put Lucks, Kalmus, and a couple other publishers who shall remain nameless out of business. UE, deciding that they are invulnerable to copyright law in other countries is now added to my list. I DO have a battery of arrangers and copyists that work closely with me. They like my checks by the way. They don't bounce....

As an additional bonus, my network includes nearly 100 orchestras and ensembles across the US, Canada, and SA that will follow my lead.

My point:

UE, continue this course and even by EU copyright I'll ensure that you are out of business by 2010. Even if it means spending my millions on your demise. Just kidding. I'm one person. You are a corporation. What could I really do to you?

(oh that's right. I live for 70 years. How short life is without purpose....)

Hmph. Is that a veiled threat? Maybe....

You were wrong. One spanner in the works screws up the governing parties...I formally request a statement withdrawing your CLAIM providing the parts IN QUESTION that ARE UNDER QUESTION are withdrawn be posted HERE in the forums, AND an apology to the owner of this website be posted HERE under your own "Nom de Plume" This site has done NOTHING to warrant the BARRISTRY that you have tried to dictate, wether it be at your behest, or your CDN$10/hr lawyers.

I expect a post within 72 hours of this, since I KNOW you are monitoring this forum. The parts that you are questioning will be removed. You already have been notified that this will happen; IF they are a violation of CA copyright law.

It seems that there are substantial members of the community out there that resent having to PAY big money for parts that are SUPPOSED to be in PD. My personal solution was paying USD$1 for anything I've got in my library.

IMSLP has more time, resources and personnel than I do. What I DO have is money. AND the desire to ensure that PD is exactly that; PD.

My war: All publishers. My goal: All publishers out of business.

I offer scholarships, to ALL students. I give away USD$7000 a year already. is my way of increasing that. Any publishers that stand in the way of this WILL be crushed. I'm new, I've got money, and I've got the desire to go head-to-head with everybody. Legally.

IF I were to take over IMSLP and keep it running. I would like NOTHING to change. The same mods and admins that kept it going are still "employed". I will maintain the financial burden, including legal fees.

I'm sorry, I don't get scared as easily. I know copyright law.

I even know Mexico, Afghanistan and Cote D'Ivoire copyrights. However, it seems unreasonable to me that CA citizens are subject to EU copyright law....OH... I FORGOT!!!


I love paying legal fees....simply because i don't.

Seems I'm a celebrity. Well, to a certain extent......Lawyers like that. Means they get publicity. I'm prepared to offer my lawyers 75% of all proceeds from lawsuits. That's generous. There are even lawyers here in this forum that would like that.

I understand lawyers. They understand me. Especially my personal ones. Money is nice, and they have bills to pay.

However, I've got morals and ethics. Million dollar lawsuits at 25% net profit for me means a nice house in Aruba. I don't even care where the rest of the money goes. However, I digress.

PD means EVERYONE can use it, that's why it's called PUBLIC DOMAIN. EU + 70 so be it. Stick to EU law, and prosecute all who download illegal parts. You CANNOT prohibit a site from following it's country's own Copyright laws. You are basically blowing hot air into a very uninflated balloon.

Majority of IMSLP users are from CA and US.

You want ISP tracking.....Forget it. I'll go along with it if YOU PAY the fees. Oh, that's right. You can't. How silly. Call your watchdogs off, or they may get fed elsewhere.

EU publishing houses cannot even begin to fathom their losses when the internet was non-existant. You cannot even BEGIN to understand...

Your regime is over. I am not a pirate. Never will be. However there is something here.... It's called MUSIC.

In a time of the decay of classical music in the world, you stifle it.

In a time of the decay of moralism, you stifle it.

Now you will pay, and I will make sure of it if you pursue this course.

I will be happy to completely fund and take over IMSLP, as long as nothing changes. This means that the same personnel take care of the forums and the status of works, including everything that has currently been done .

I can maintain US servers as well as CN servers. I will even host EU servers if need be.

It's not about the money. It's about the service.

Is it a conflict of interests between the sites? Yes. I'm willing to accept that. It's called "freedom of advertising". When it comes to my sites, I'm hoping that the added "charitable downloads" will make it worthwhile.

Enough already. I'm tired and need to go to bed. I've followed these forums very closely since the UE fiasco, and I'm fed up. Was it a matter of time? Yes. Is it time someone stepped forward? Yes. Our lifespan is too short to sit back and be complacent. My fellow Americans, sadly enough are letting this happen on other levels. Here is ONE American who WILL NOT sit idly by and let things continue on this course. I WILL accept responsibility. Yes, the below number IS my real number and I WILL answer all calls. You like C&D letters? Me too. Gives me great satisfaction to send them.

Said my piece, and I'm out. My cel number in the US is 407-618-3655. I'll be on tour 11/25-12/18. My phone is with me. I personally would like to speak with any people concerned with IMSLP.

Comments and concerns please field me.

Paul Fleury

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 4:32 pm
by imslp
I thank you greatly for your offer to help IMSLP!

The situation now seems like it may turn out that we have some sort of "IMSLP" organization in place, with several organizations and people supporting (which may of course include you if you agree).

Details are still to be worked out between all the people who offered to help, but I do thank you very much for your help offer! The situation should hopefully become clear within the next month (I will be speaking to PGC [and perhaps other supporters] directly about this issue in this period).

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2007 3:01 am
by Carolus
In a time of the decay of classical music in the world, you stifle it.

In a time of the decay of moralism, you stifle it.
Two very good points, and both the result of what I refer to as ossified thinking on the part of UE. As I have mentioned in previous threads, IMSLP hosted not only scans of works that entered the public domain long ago, but a fair number of new works by living composers plus some still-copyright works posted by the hiers of recently-deceased composers.

Apart from the reprint houses like Dover, Kalmus, and Lucks, music publishers derive a majority of their income from performances - whether live or broadcast - and recordings. The sale of printed copies is a relatively minor source of income for publishers like UE, though the rental income for certain works - especially operas - can be substantial. UE would actually improve its overall income by posting their fully copyrighted scores at IMSLP - especially those of new composers they at least ostensibly wish to promote. There is no proof that the posting of even an unquestionably copyrighted work deprives the copyright owner of a sale. In fact, it is entirely possible that the opposite might actually be the end result, for (as many have mentioned already) it's often much more convenient to buy a nicely printed and bound copy than it is to deal with a stack of sheets yourself.

The previous point is over and above the central fact of the dispute at hand, though. With the exception of the works hosted on the now-defunct USA server, IMSLP's library was completely public domain or legally permitted by the valid copyright owners in Canada, the country where the main server is located. Put bluntly, Universal has no case - unless one takes the rather insane view that EU copyright laws should be enforced worldwide.