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Beethoven-Haus scans

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 8:23 am
by kalliwoda
I put warnings on the new Beethoven string quartet uploads - these are so bad that even a rating of 1 would be way too much: at 500x600 pixel (that is 50 dpi!) it is completely impossible to discern accidentals and much else.
What an utter waste of a magnificent resource - should we even have this complete crap on imslp?

Edit: Actually, the originals from the Beethoven-Haus can also be saved at 1000x1200 pixel, which would be much more useful! And this is actually something new and improved for the material available from there (most of them are max. 600 pixel vertical).

Re: Beethoven-Haus scans

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 9:25 pm
by vinteuil
If Ivdruiz is up to replacing all of the files...or you are...

I found them not completely useless while splitting them—you wouldn't play off of them, but could consult them, I though.

Re: Beethoven-Haus scans

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 10:09 am
by kalliwoda
Have uploaded the higher res parts for No.1-3. The others are unfortunately still at 600 pixel max.
There are a few other 100 dpi scans on the site now. Would be great, if Beethoven-Haus would finally make more acceptable scans available.
I had a look at their "pay" fees and they seem to be 6 euros per page, that would be about 1200 euros for the set of 6 string quartets op.18 (for files, not high quality color facsimiles in beautiful bound hardcover!). I cannot imagine there will be much demand.

Re: Beethoven-Haus scans

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 9:05 am
by Piupianissimo
At least with the "Bagatellen Op.33" I can help, as I own a copy of the first edition (Wien: Bureau des Arts et d'Industrie, Plate 171).
I started to scan it in color, because the monochrome scan shows to much dirt. I scaned in 600dpi wich gives about 40MB sized jpg's. When I convert to 300dpi and save with 80% they are 2.7MB so about 60MB for the whole score. Yust give me a while, because I want to be careful with the score.

Re: Beethoven-Haus scans

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 6:18 pm
by Piupianissimo
Now I scanned the whole score (Op.33) in 300dpi color and uploaded it.
Maybe the 600dpi color could also be scanned and uploaded with higher jpg compression levels. Better would be in DJVU format of course.

Re: Beethoven-Haus scans

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 4:21 am
by TylerE
I've started a typeset of Op. 33. in Lilypond as a project. Will probably take a week or two, at least.