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Romberg Cello Concertos published by Litolff

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 8:20 pm
by stephez12
Could someone help me with the copyright status of the following - I am unsure whether they are public domain and would like to know before scanning them.

Eight of Bernhard Romberg's (died 1841) ten cello concertos (Nos.1,2,4,5,6,8,9,10) were published as a series by Litolff as Piano/Cello reductions. They were all edited by Carl Schroeder (died 1935).

I have 4 of them with details as follows;
No.4, Op.7, Collection Litolff No.815, Plate Location says "Collection Litolff No.815"
No.5, Op.30, Collection Litolff No.816, Plate Location says "Collection Litolff No.816"
No.8, Op.48, Collection Litolff No.818, Plate Piano Part 10767, Plate Cello Part 10767A
No.10, Op.75, Collection Litolff No.820, Plate Piano Part 10769, Plate Cello Part 10769A

There are no dates on them.

Thanks for any help you can give.

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 9:46 pm
by Carolus
The composer and editor are both dead over 70 years, and the scores you listed were all likely published well before 1923. I see no reason you cannot post these. Litolff was absorbed into Peters by 1940 - which is the very latest something could have been published. The remote possibility exists that one of them could have been issued in 1923 or later, which means it could be under copyright in the USA (only).