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Bloch symphonies

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 3:33 am
by jsnfmn
I'm looking at a reprint by Kalmus with corrections made directly on the score of Bloch's early Symphony in c# minor, published in the 1980s (or so the library says). Also the Israel Symphony published by G. Schirmer, also circa 1925. Despite those circa dates, I thought I'd check as both pieces were written long before 1925 and they would be interesting additions as long as they weren't blocked by US status.

Re: Bloch symphonies

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 4:17 am
by pml
The Symphony in C# minor would be a great work to have, if there was some publication in Bloch's lifetime. I can remember playing a full-blooded recording of it loudly in one of the study rooms at my high school library, to the annoyance of some of the other students when it got to some of the brass-heavy sections. :twisted:

Thanks very much Jason for your uploads of Khovanshchina, I've been enjoying listening to some of the good bits of Act IV :-)

Regards, Philip

Re: Bloch symphonies

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 4:03 am
by Carolus
The Symphony in C-sharp minor is definitely free in the USA. Kalmus presently offers the whole thing for sale (Catalog A5584). I suspect the one issued around 1925 is still protected in the USA, as Bloch and his heirs were very meticulous about renewing everything (not all composers and heirs are, BTW).

Re: Bloch symphonies

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 5:08 pm
by jsnfmn
That's what I figured, I did some checking and was unable to come up with any editions of the Israel Symphony from around the time of composition, only the 1925 or reprints of it, oh well.

Re: Bloch symphonies

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 2:04 am
by pml
*bumps thread*

Hi Jason,

I’ve only just noticed you got around to uploading the symphony in c# a few days after your post, but it must have gone up and disappeared from the Recent Scores list relatively quickly for me not to notice back then. (This is sort of a hint that notable uploads can and should be referenced in forum threads; the high volume of uploads on the wiki can be overwhelming.)

Anyway I’ve eagerly downloaded this and am enjoying reading through – this is totally brilliant of you.

Many thanks, Philip

Re: Bloch symphonies

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 11:22 am
by jsnfmn
Sorry, sometimes I upload scores at work during short periods of downtime and forget about the forum threads. Glad you're enjoying though, I had never heard it until I spotted the score while browsing in the library and I'm glad I stumbled upon it.