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Hindemith, Paul - Symphonic Metamorphosis

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 12:27 pm
by tilmaen
Hi everybody

got my hands on a study score of the piece mentioned above. one of my absoluuuute favorites.
copyright is 1945 and hindemith died in 1963. does that mean i could upload the score when i visit my hostparents in canada next year?
the worldcat entry confirms my guess that the copyright has not been renewed and the score is only copyrighted in 1945: ... ef_results

i see some stuff has already been uploaded (dunno why, the 50years+ are not over yet.),_Paul

thx in advance

(btw. i have "mathis the painter" scanned as well, also waiting for time to pass so i can upload next year when i'm in torontoooooo! ;))

Re: Hindemith, Paul - Symphonic Metamorphosis

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 11:16 pm
by Carolus
You're forgetting that copyright terms extend to the end of the calendar year. Hindemith's copyright term in Canada extends to 11:59 PM on 12/31/13 so he will not be free in Canada until 1/1/2014. We would not allow any uploads of his work until after that date. There are a few items on the USA server (which regular users cannot upload to) which were published before 1923 and are thus free in the USA. BTW, Worldcat is no place to determine the USA renewal status of a work published in 1945. This information is found only in the Catalog of Copyright Entries. You would need to carefully check the renewal volumes for 1972, 1973 and 1974 to determine of the 1945 score was renewed or not. (It almost certainly was). Even if by some miracle it wasn't renewed, the work would be eligible for GATT/TRIPS 'restoration' as it was very much under copyright in its country of origin as of 1/1/1996.

Re: Hindemith, Paul - Symphonic Metamorphosis

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 12:59 am
by tilmaen
i think we got lucky. i searched all catalogues from 1972-1975 for "hindemith" and the symphonic metamorphosis are not listed (only the "band" version of the March from 1943)
I really do dislike the copyright law - especially the US copyright ...


Hindemith, Paul.

maybe this is it? i have no ideal what they mean by R574602.

Re: Hindemith, Paul - Symphonic Metamorphosis

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 11:29 pm
by Carolus
You posted this the day I left for vacation, so sorry for the delay. I'll double check it but it is highly unlikely that Schott would have dropped the ball on this.

Re: Hindemith, Paul - Symphonic Metamorphosis

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 6:47 pm
by NLewis
Unlikely, but stranger things have happened. US Copyright law is a mess.