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Retypesets of partially blocked scores

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2013 4:55 am
by cheap imitation
If I were to typeset a score PD in my country but non-PD US or EU, under what licence should it be uploaded, if any? Is it possible for it to be CC-licenced for the CA/NZ server but still indicated as under copyright elsewhere, or should it simply not be uploaded at all?

Re: Retypesets of partially blocked scores

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2013 2:36 pm
by Choralia
Similar cases exist already (see this as an example). You have to use a CC license. Copyright reviewers will then add the appropriate tags on top of the CC license. This will automatically move the score to the appropriate server and activate the displaying of copyright warnings ("Non-PD US" and/or "Non-PD EU") on the relevant page.


Re: Retypesets of partially blocked scores

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 5:21 am
by cheap imitation

I'll probably also have questions about whether the typeset is sufficiently high quality to be usable, but those will have to wait until I've actually done it and have something to upload.