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Re: Files not downloading! Help needed!

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 9:54 am
by noqu

I am located in Germany, with the provider Deutsche Telekom. I just tested the file mentioned above: ... _TH143.pdf
and it works just fine from here. Generally, DNS seems to resolve correctly for me:

Code: Select all


Routenverfolgung zu []  über maximal 30 Abschnitte:

  1    <1 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms  (omitted)
  2    41 ms    41 ms    42 ms  (omitted)
  3    42 ms    43 ms    42 ms  (omitted)
  4    45 ms    45 ms    44 ms  f-ea5-i.F.DE.NET.DTAG.DE []
  5    45 ms    45 ms    45 ms []
  6    53 ms    53 ms    53 ms []
  7    45 ms    46 ms    45 ms []
  8   136 ms   137 ms   137 ms []
  9   148 ms   144 ms   144 ms []
 10   160 ms   160 ms   159 ms []
 11   156 ms   157 ms   156 ms []
 12   161 ms   162 ms   162 ms []
 13   166 ms   162 ms   162 ms []
 14   229 ms     *      228 ms []
 15   239 ms   234 ms   235 ms []
 16   232 ms   232 ms   231 ms []
 17   232 ms   232 ms   234 ms []
 18   238 ms   235 ms   235 ms []
 19   237 ms   236 ms   236 ms []

Ablaufverfolgung beendet.
Not surprisingly, traceroute to the DNS server itself also looks OK:

Code: Select all


Routenverfolgung zu []  über maximal 30 Abschnitte:

  1    <1 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms  (omitted)
  2    42 ms    55 ms    43 ms  (omitted)
  3    44 ms    42 ms    43 ms  (omitted)
  4    45 ms    44 ms    45 ms  f-ea5-i.F.DE.NET.DTAG.DE []
  5    45 ms    45 ms    99 ms []
  6    49 ms    53 ms    54 ms []
  7    46 ms    46 ms    46 ms []
  8   136 ms   136 ms   136 ms []
  9   135 ms   140 ms   144 ms []
 10   135 ms   135 ms   135 ms []
 11   135 ms   135 ms   135 ms []
 12   135 ms   134 ms   135 ms []
 13   136 ms   135 ms   136 ms []

Ablaufverfolgung beendet.
@Choralia: I had a look at the tool output - does not look alarming to me, and I can't see how your DNS config might be at fault causing any of the described effects. SOA REFRESH is high with 8 hours, but the problem is much older by now.

Greetings - noqu

Re: Files not downloading! Help needed!

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 11:42 am
by Odin
Hello Choralia

I already tried to change from .info/files/ to .org/ by hand but it
failed for me.

Now I would like to try your suggestion, but because of other
Internet trouble I have been forced to change from the Windows
browser to Mozilla Firefox.

Now I would need to know where I can include your recommended
change in this system.

Best regards

Still in trouble

Re: Files not downloading! Help needed!

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 12:51 pm
by Odin
Hello Choralia

>It seems there is a problem in Europe to resolve the domain name into the associated IP address ( I cannot "ping" the server from Italy, while I can ping it from the U.S. server where these forums are hosted.

Exactly my experience. My son is experiencing the same problem on his computer independent from me.

>There is a trick to force your browser to reach the correct IP address bypassing public DNSs. You need to add this line to your hosts file:


>Under Windows the hosts file is located under the Windows/System32/drivers/etc folder. In order to edit it, you have to open notepad as an administrator >(right-click the notepad icon and the select "open as administrator"). I tried this trick here from Italy, and it worked.

I succeeded to find the Windows/System32/drivers folder, but unfortunately I do not know
what is meant by the "Notepad" and how I can open it as an administrator. I simply don´t
know under which button I can find the Notepad. On my screen everything is in Swedish.
That´s a part of my frequent problems.

Best regards to Italy


Re: Files not downloading! Help needed!

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 7:36 pm
by Choralia
Just to avoid any misunderstandings: I'm only involved in the IT operations of these forums, while I'm not involved in the operations of the IMSLP website. For this problem I am just a normal IMSLP user, without any special privileges to solve it.
imslp wrote:Choralia, can you do a traceroute on the DNS server?
The traceroute reaches the main DNS server, although with a timeout in between. This is the traceroute to, showing a timeout at step 14:
Traccia instradamento verso [] su un massimo di 30 punti di passaggio:

1 2 ms 1 ms 1 ms (omitted)
2 31 ms 29 ms 64 ms (omitted)
3 64 ms 79 ms 80 ms (omitted)
4 32 ms 79 ms 76 ms []
5 35 ms 75 ms 77 ms
6 60 ms 64 ms 75 ms
7 65 ms 76 ms 80 ms
8 44 ms 76 ms 64 ms []
9 64 ms 63 ms 74 ms []
10 99 ms 81 ms 76 ms []
11 103 ms 101 ms 50 ms []
12 112 ms 86 ms 75 ms
13 88 ms 104 ms 73 ms []
14 * * * Richiesta scaduta.
15 75 ms 62 ms 60 ms []
16 64 ms 62 ms 81 ms []
17 76 ms 75 ms 76 ms []
18 80 ms 79 ms 77 ms []
19 97 ms 73 ms 101 ms []
20 66 ms 76 ms 74 ms []

Traccia completata.
And this is (very similar - timeout at step 13) the traceroute to
Traccia instradamento verso [] su un massimo di 30 punti di passaggio:

1 2 ms 2 ms 1 ms (omitted)
2 67 ms 77 ms 77 ms (omitted)
3 67 ms 86 ms 67 ms (omitted)
4 28 ms 71 ms 79 ms []
5 51 ms 65 ms 77 ms
6 59 ms 98 ms 64 ms
7 43 ms 82 ms 72 ms
8 63 ms 92 ms 70 ms []
9 65 ms 71 ms 73 ms []
10 85 ms 100 ms 83 ms []
11 135 ms 87 ms 88 ms
12 86 ms 135 ms 84 ms []
13 * * * Richiesta scaduta.
14 86 ms 88 ms 85 ms []
15 111 ms 79 ms 78 ms []
16 109 ms 87 ms 87 ms []
17 92 ms 76 ms 99 ms []
18 106 ms 84 ms 80 ms []
19 73 ms 74 ms 82 ms []

Traccia completata.
Odin wrote:unfortunately I do not know what is meant by the "Notepad" and how I can open it as an administrator
Notepad is the Windows program typically associated to the .txt extension under Windows. It's the basic text editor. You can typically find it under Programs --> Accessories --> Notepad (obviously, you have to identify the corresponding names in your local language). When you find it, please right-click the program name, rather than left-clicking it as you would normally do to run the program. A set of possible options will be shown. One of them (maybe the second from top) is named "open as administrator" or "run as administrator" (or something similar in the local language). Select this option by left-clicking it, and then browse the directories until you find the hosts file to edit.


Re: Files not downloading! Help needed!

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 7:41 pm
by Odin
Hello Choralia

Thank you - I know it is well-meant.

I tried really to follow your advice, but I could make this way only half-ways. After that nothing
in my system is similar to your description, So unfortunately I am still off-line.

Is there anybody trying to solve this new communication problem for the European users form
the bottom ?

Regards from a desperate


Re: Files not downloading! Help needed!

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 9:37 pm
by Choralia
I can reach without any tricks now. I've just tried using two different ISPs from Italy, and it is OK with both.

Odin, if you still cannot reach it, probably the best thing to do is that you contact your ISP: the problem is in the network, it's not not on the IMSLP side.

To find a temporary workaround, could you please specify which operating system are you using?


Re: Files not downloading! Help needed!

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 4:06 pm
by ahc
No downloading here either, none whatsoever it seems. Is there anyone out there who can explain what to do so even an utter computer analphabet could understand? Have tried with Safari, Firefox and Opera, before and after having disposed of cache and cookies, and nothing of that has worked. Only thing that seemed to work for a time, and that only for some files even under their 5MB limit, was going via , but now even that seems to be giving up.

Re: Files not downloading! Help needed!

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 7:24 pm
by Choralia
In order to reach a server through internet your browser need to know the IP address of the server. As using symbolic names like is easier for humans than using IP addresses like, Domain Name Servers (DNSs) have been invented so that symbolic names are translated into the corresponding IP addresses. When looking for your browser asks a DNS: "what's the IP address associated to". Normally, the DNS should respond "the IP address associated to is", and your browser knows where to go then.

Unfortunately, it seems that some DNSs around the world have "forgotten" that should be resolved as, and they provide no response to the above question. If you cannot reach, this likely means that you are connected to one of these faulty DNSs. The DNS for your connection is typically set by your Internet Service Provider (ISP), unless you override its default settings. Under Windows, a possible way to override its settings is to edit the hosts file as described earlier in this thread. Manually changing the DNS may also work. If this is too complex for you, I would suggest you to open a trouble ticket to your ISP.


Re: Files not downloading! Help needed!

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 3:38 pm
by imslp
I've changed DNS nameservers (to the same ones used by IMSLP.ORG), and downloads should now work. However, due to caching there may be a lag of a few days before the updates reach your computer.

Re: Files not downloading! Help needed!

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 4:38 pm
by Choralia
There is a problem now to obtain DNS resolution of I guess it's related to propagation of new DNS information. Anyway, access to these forums remains possible via


Re: Files not downloading! Help needed!

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 5:53 pm
by imslp
What happened was this: IMSLP.ORG and IMSLP.INFO now use the same nameserver (since both are tied together), whereas I have modified IMSLPFORUMS.ORG to use a different nameserver (it was using the same nameserver as IMSLP.ORG, but that makes no sense since all three sites would be offline if something happens to the nameserver). This modification is why both IMSLP.INFO and IMSLPFORUMS.ORG may have problems in the next day or two as the cache is updated.

Re: Files not downloading! Help needed!

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 4:20 am
by pml
There's definitely some cache weirdness currently going on – is currently being redirected by my DNS resolvers to, which fails to display the site. I can only post here by using the redundant domain name.


Re: Files not downloading! Help needed!

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 1:30 pm
by Odin

My warm thanks to all the good people here who succeeded in re-opening
the system. I´m back on track, and for me it is still kind of a miracle.
Whatever you did - you made it ! Congratulations. The downloads work
as they did before.



Re: Files not downloading! Help needed!

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 7:37 pm
by ahc
Odin wrote:Hello

My warm thanks to all the good people here who succeeded in re-opening
the system. I´m back on track, and for me it is still kind of a miracle.
Whatever you did - you made it ! Congratulations. The downloads work
as they did before.


I agree. And thanks, Choralia, for the explanation of part of it.