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IMSLP Main Page

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 12:10 pm
by Sphemusator

This is one of those "pain in the fundament" requests.

Could the Main Page be changed so that the link to the "normal forum" system is also anchored to the words "normal forum" and the link to "How wikis work" similarly anchored?

I keep clicking on the wrong "here" and wondering why I have ended up looking at the wrong page entirely :oops:

I can only think it must be my age. :shock:

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 2:42 am
by imslp
lol fixed :)

Oh, and btw, since I see you are pretty active on IMSLP, can I ask you to do me a favor? There are a few rules regarding score submission that I've been following silently, and which aren't on the guide/guidelines page, but I'm busy as hell (plus I only have 1 hour of internet time per day, half of which is spent towards making linux work on this computer -_-;;), so is it possible for you to add the rules to the guide/guidelines page? Here are the rules:

1. It is ideal for file names to contain both the composer's last name and the work title (composer's name first).
2. When submitting a complete score of a piece to a work page, it is ideal to put a note "Complete score" or "Complete score of all pieces/movements" in the file description box, so that it is clear.

These rules are not extremely important, but it'd be best to follow them so that IMSLP is tidier :) And when you see users who submit to IMSLP frequently and who doesn't know these rules, can you politely remind them via their user talk page? Thanks! :)

Btw, there is no need at all to change any previous submissions which don't comply to these rules... that can be taken care of later :)

Thanks again!

Thank you (PLUS)

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 12:06 pm
by Sphemusator
Thanks for making those links clearer. For a bear of relatively little (and frequently distracted) brain like myself it is a great help.

Thank you also for the invitation to clarify the guide/guidelines page. Unfortunately my account does not have editing privileges for that page.

Finally, I would like to offer my services to help with web design. Previous examples of my work can be seen at: ... yscha.html


Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 2:38 am
by imslp
I just made you a sysop, so there shouldn't be any access problems :)

For website design, I'd love to have someone fix up the currently quite ugly design of some of the pages. I couldn't open your first two links, probably because of internet censorship here :/ But, I was able to open the third one, and I like what I saw :)

I'd personally say that the front page as it is is quite ugly, and would benefit much from some working on... I'd say something like the CPDL's front page would look nice (the logo is also still the stock wiki logo... would be nice if there was an IMSLP specific one). If you need to upload something onto the server you can just e-mail me the file and I'll put it up. If you need frequent access to the server I can set up an account for you, though it might take a while as I don't have steady internet access...