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Liszt - Hungarian Rhapsody - Orchestral Parts

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 7:37 pm
by Generoso
The Orchestral Parts to the Hungarian Rhapsody that I just finished uploading had wrong titles to them. I compared them to the score already on ISMLP in their various pages and changed the titles to match. This could be important to the others uploading orchestral parts (this will save some time in matching the pieces to the ones online). Here is what I did:

The part originally marked Hungarian Rhapsody No.1 is actually No.14
The part originally marked Hungarian Rhapsody No.2 is actually No.2
The part originally marked Hungarian Rhapsody No.3 is actually No.6
The part originally marked Hungarian Rhapsody No.4 is actually No.12
The part originally marked Hungarian Rhapsody No.5 is actually No.5
The part originally marked Hungarian Rhapsody No.6 is actually No.9

I edited the titles in Photoshop to match the actual name.

I hope this help or even makes sense... if not just let me know.


Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 9:32 pm
by pml
Hi Generoso,

It does make a difference, since files uploaded to the Wiki aren't easily renamed. You've also created a chain of misnamed files with "3" actually being 6 and "6" which is actually 9. An admin like Feldmahler might be able to change it, but otherwise as a rank-and-file contributor you're stuck either uploading copies of files with the same name or uploading a different filename; you can't rename or delete.

Thus, if the part marked No. 1 is actually No. 14, then you should add No. 14 again under its correct name, and post a {{Delete|please remove the part marked Rhapsody No.1}}, and an admin will be along to delete the incorrectly named file #1.


Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 9:42 pm
by Lyle Neff
pml, where are you supposed to post the "delete" note? On the page for the file that is uploaded with the wrong name?

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 2:08 am
by Peter
admin's can indeed not rename files, that's a mediawiki limiation I think.
yes , youcan put it on the file page or on the work page. as long as it's clear which file to be deleted.

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 3:08 am
by Generoso
Actually I have already renamed them to the correct names before I uploaded them. If you compare the part with the scores you shall see they are the correct names.

I only mentioned this because they were wrongly named previously.

They should be correct now!


Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 6:01 pm
by Melodia
I don't think the names were 'wrong' -- the orchestrations are in fact numbered that way.

Re: Liszt - Hungarian Rhapsody - Orchestral Parts

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 4:54 pm
by ThatBadDog
Melodia is right - these parts should NOT have been renumbered, (and the renumbering may cause even more confusion in the long term as the other orchestral parts begin to be uploaded), for the simple reason that the orchestrated Rhapsodies are actually part of a totally separate publication set, with a different S. catalog number. That is, they are not merely arrangements, but have a different entry in the Liszt catalog.

The orchestrations are S.359/1-6. They do indeed correspond to the various piano numbers that Generoso mentioned, but the piano originals are S.244/1-19. Is this confusing? Certainly. But it is the way they were published, and the way they are cataloged, and the way the entire world references them in academic materials, programs, recordings, and rental and sale catalogs.

Ideally what needs to happen here is for the S.359 Hungarian Rhapsodies to receive their own individual pages, and the cello parts, with their original numbers on file and printed part, be located there. This way, as others upload more orchestral parts, they will hopefully be slotted to the right place. Nothing at all wrong with links back and forth to the related piano versions, but it is very important that the original numbering scheme be preserved, esp. since it was the scheme adopted in the official Liszt catalog.

Re: Liszt - Hungarian Rhapsody - Orchestral Parts

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 7:59 pm
by steltz
These could be cross-referenced in the comments field, e.g. "Orchestrated version at [link]", and vice versa "piano version at [link]".

Personally, as an orchestral player, I always thought that the piano numbers would be the same, and only realized they were different when I had to find a recording -- ending up with a piano version that was completely wrong.

But any academic studying them might appreciate an easy cross-reference . . . . .