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Upload not successful

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 12:01 am
by musicus78
Hello! In the 14th January 2009 I have sent a musical file in pdf (the Messe ordinaire taken from the Pièces d’Orgue of François Couperin): it’s my transcription based on a copy of a manuscript (so should be not protected by copyrights). Later, in the 17th January, I have sent one more time the same file, since I have due making some corrections inside. Two weeks have passed from the sending of the first file, but it’s not yet published on the page of the author: I would like to know the reason about it. Consider that it’s the first time that I publish a music score, so I could have maked some steps in wrong way.
Moreover I noticed that, although I have sent and replaced the same file with an other file, maintaining equally the same name for avoid duplications, the preview shows, anyway, the first file (wrong): I would have clarifications about it too.
Cristiano Accardi

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 8:15 am
by Leonard Vertighel
Hello Cristiano, in order to submit a file, you need to go to the appropriate work page and click the link "Add a file to this page". If there is no page for the work you wish to upload, you first need to go to the composer page and click the link "Add a piece to this composer page". Do not use the "Upload file" link in the left column of the page (I know this is confusing). There are more details on how to submit a score in the manual. Please post again if you have further questions. Thanks for your contributions.