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creating a file entry

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 4:02 pm
by Dwsolo
Well I uploaded the zip files successfully and then I tried to find the link referred to in the instructions here:

"Part II: Creating a File Entry
Go to the work page of that work, and click on "Add a file to this work page". "

but there was no such link.

Using my basic knowledge of html and wikis I created a link from the composition page to the "image" page that links to the zip file in question. However, it would be useful for future uploads if the "add a file to this work page" link could be created (or reinstated?).
Maybe it only appears the first time that a piece is "created", because I recall seeing it before, but it certainly doesn't appear today when I try to add the new uploads.
Have I missed something?

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 2:52 am
by imslp
I think it's just that you accidentally deleted the link when you edited the page to link to your site lol. I'll revert the changes to when you first created the work pages, and you can use the link there.

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 5:19 am
by Dwsolo
Thanks. That's all in place now. Cheers.
BTW it may be worth adding "ZIP" to the description of file types here