Featured Scores

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Featured Scores

Post by vinteuil »

Who wants to do next week's featured scores? The job is easy - just cut and paste the next item in the upcoming section to the current section, and the last in the current section to the archive.
I'll be away, so I can't promise that I'll be able to do anything next week :D
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Re: Featured Scores

Post by pml »

I can do it, though I might turn items over at a slower rate than you do... some days it seems the Featured Scores are flashing past faster than the Recent Additions (j/k)...

Send me a message as to when you want me to start...

Cheers (and enjoy your break!) PML
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Re: Featured Scores

Post by vinteuil »

I do it once daily. Starting next Monday would be great (I generally think it's fine to shift the score around 10PM). You only have to for a week...thanks!
Formerly known as "perlnerd666"
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