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Old list of compositions

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 10:33 pm
by Notenschreiber
What has happend with the old lists of compositions featering the oboe (english horn, bassoon)? I have spent hours and hours to actualize these lists. One has promised, that they are not concerned by the new system of lists of scores. This is not fair.
A lot of information has vanished. In the old list one can see at once which sort pieces of which composers are available.

Re: Old list of compositions

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 11:03 pm
by kalliwoda
I am just startled, who did this, and in he cause of his actions obstructs many users of imslp - this is almost vandalism, the culprit should be banned!

The tagging system may be great, but at least keep the manually maintained lists available until they are obsolete.
Just one glaring example I wanted to use this weekend in the program discussions of our orchestra:
"List of orchestra works with parts available" its simply gone,

Not all the tagging has been so careful as to add this as a tag to the relevant work pages, plus an alphabetical list of work titles including many chamber music works or works just with a single solo part, is just so much more inconvenient, (actually its almost completely useless) than a the list according to composer name, and sorted in sections for easy browsing.

please restore immediately!!!(I am just extremely annoyed)

Re: Old list of compositions

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 2:22 am
by KGill
Check ... g_the_oboe - it's right at the top. It wasn't deleted, and neither was the parts list. It was just placed in a different category (the new one).

Re: Old list of compositions

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 2:50 am
by vinteuil
OK, I think P.Davydov waaaaaay jumped the gun here...I remember how normis reacted (rightly!) to my changing of the organ and harpsichord lists. Perhaps some reconciliation can happen? After all, some people prefer the way the pages are laid out to the category walker.

Re: Old list of compositions

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 6:30 am
by Davydov
I certainly wouldn't dream of deleting those pages on which people have worked so hard! Only the links have been moved to become parts of the the new categories, and the big notice at the top of the page was changed to indicate this. The URLs of the pages are exactly the same.

I really am sorry if this was confusing :oops:

Re: Old list of compositions

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 6:57 am
by Notenschreiber
Sorry, I didnĀ“t see the new link for the old compostion list.
(BTW: the tagging of the sextett of Haydn is now like vou described it).

Re: Old list of compositions

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 9:28 am
by kalliwoda
Actually I searched around a little before writing my post. Still cannot see the link to the manually maintained list, unless I am logged in. So its the file caching "bug" again...

But this brings up something else: is it possible, to display the automated lists not only sorted alphabetically according to title, but also according to composer. Should at least be pretty easy to implement.

Re: Old list of compositions

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 7:02 pm
by Davydov
kalliwoda wrote:But this brings up something else: is it possible, to display the automated lists not only sorted alphabetically according to title, but also according to composer. Should at least be pretty easy to implement.
This can be done using the link to Feldmahler's new "category walker", which appears near the top of each of the "Scores featuring..." pages. It takes a little getting used to, but you can sort and search by composer, work type, language (for vocal works) and instrumentation, or construct searches by combining different featured instruments.

Re: Old list of compositions

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 9:29 pm
by imslp
First of all, everyone take a deep breath :) Remember that nothing is ever "deleted" on the wiki. Any vandalism would only have to be reverted.

Second, there is a misunderstanding. The reason that the pages seemed to "disappear" was not because they were deleted, but because they were placed in a different category. There was no malicious intent on the part of any person, and we should all take another deep breath :)

Third, I think the fundamental disagreement is not about the lists per se, but about the fact that the lists are no longer reachable via the route that they have been before.

The resolution I propose is this: For the duration of the time the page tagging is not complete, both the manual lists and the new tagging system should be offered for users browsing by Work Genre. After the page tagging is complete, we will have a discussion and vote on how the manual lists will fit into the system. In no event will the text on the list pages be removed.

To carry out this proposal, just add the manual lists back to their own category, at the same time as preserving their link to the new categories. And finally, a link to the manual list category should be added to the Work Genre page. I would suggest placing it above the link for the new page tagging system (since that is still beta), and adjusting the descriptions accordingly.

If there are any disagreements to this resolution, please post here. Otherwise, anyone is welcome to carry out the proposal.

Feel free to take additional deep breaths as necessary ;)