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Getting a copy of all (or all .mus) files?

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 5:22 pm
by lpd
I am a graduate student in Music doing a research project that includes statistical analysis of a corpus of .mus (Finale) files. CPDL was kind enough to provide me with a tarball of their entire library for this purpose, from which I extracted the .mus files. I would like to do the same with the Petrucci library, or at least the .mus files from the library. I would not distribute the files themselves further. How can I get this? I would be happy to discuss the details with a system administrator.

I couldn't find a way to search the wiki for files in a specific format, and after looking through the list of forums several times, this seemed like the least inappropriate one in which to make this request. TIA.

Re: Getting a copy of all (or all .mus) files?

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 7:14 pm
by KGill
I'm afraid that such an exercise with this library wouldn't have much use, since there are almost no .MUS files on the site. At the present time, only PDF is encouraged.