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Schubert Lieder

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 9:52 pm
by aldona
A big "thank you" to the person who uploaded the complete Schubert-Lieder collection.

I am wondering whether there is still a place for uploading individual songs, each to their own work page.

I have a few Kalmus pocket score books of Schubert-Lieder (unedited reprints of the old Breitkopf & Hartel editions) and I am gradually collecting a few more, and I have scanned some of the songs individually ready for idea was to upload each to its own work page as we had previously discussed on another thread, and to put in as much information as possible about date of composition, author of text, dedication, etc.

(due to work being out of control, have not had time to upload anything much for a few weeks!)

Is this still worthwhile or necessary?
Any thoughts?

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 7:58 am
by Carolus
I would recommend that you uploaded them under their respective song cycles, where possible, instead of as individual pages for each song. At least under whatever D-number the song falls under. (Some have their own, of course.)

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 12:02 pm
by aldona
The only ones that belong to song-cycles are the Winterreise, Die Schone Mullerin and Schwanengesang - and they are already up under their respective song-cycle headings, so I won't be re-uploading them.

That still leaves over 500 songs which stand alone. (Of Schubert's 900-plus D numbers, over 600 are solo songs.)

I'm very happy to upload them by D-number, but eventually their sheer number will swamp all other works on that composer page.

And just imagine if Schubert had lived for another 30-40 years... :shock:


Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 10:17 pm
by imslp
Hmm... submission of Schubert's songs is always a hard one to organize. I would propose submitting in 10 D number chunks (i.e. 10 D numbers per page, with the D numbers stated in the page title). Songs without D numbers should be submitted to separate pages depending on the first letter of the title.

... I hope this works... tell me if there are problems with that somewhere.

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 7:40 pm
by Peter
another option would be to follow the same order as the edition peters volumes, so that each edition is on the same page . however, I don't know if there is a good pattern in the peters order.

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 12:10 am
by aldona
I would propose submitting in 10 D number chunks (i.e. 10 D numbers per page, with the D numbers stated in the page title). Songs without D numbers should be submitted to separate pages depending on the first letter of the title.
Hmmm... I can see where you're coming from, but I'm not sure that this would be practical...

Here is the complete Deutsch listing of Schubert's works. (dear moderators: would it be possible to link something like this to the composer page, like the listing of Beethoven's works by opus?)

As you can see, the songs are not in neatly organized blocks but scattered throughout all the other works.

For example: the songs that I have already scanned and ready to upload are D-numbers: 830, 831, 917, 922, 923, 926, 927, 931, 933, 938, 939 and 949. A couple of these have two versions ("a" and "b") which I would submit to the same work page (D-number).

I think I will just have to start uploading each one individually by D-number, and let them fall into order as their numbers increase.


Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 3:47 am
by imslp
Hmm... I suppose we'll have to do it your way. Don't forget to put the D catalog numbers in the page title! :)

About the linking, that is perfectly fine :)

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 4:27 am
by aldona
oops...sorry about the lack of D number in some of the titles. :oops: how does one go back and edit that?


Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 4:32 am
by imslp
I've fixed them, so you don't have to worry about it :) For future reference, you can change the title by moving the page (click the "move" tab at the top of the page).

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 1:08 pm
by Fdamiani
Hello all,

I have uploaded the big collection of Schubert Lieder a few days ago. I am happy that somebody enjoys it! However, while I was initially misled by the title of the page where I downloaded them (at, I have now realized that this collection (Ed.Peters) is NOT the complete Schubert Lieder edition. I have just moved the page accordingly, from "Lieder" to "386 Lieder". This means that about 1/3 of all Schubert Lieder are not there...a lot of space for more additions! Evidently the editor by Peters (Friedlaender) made a selection, whose criteria I do not know (I have not really investigated...). As I read on other IMSLP pages, the complete Schubert edition was published by Breitkopf und Haertel, so I think that all the remaining Lieder will be found there. If someone has access to the B&H edition, it would be nice to have on imslp the "missing" lieder in the Peters edition (before duplicating those already here).
I also suspect that in the page "List of compositions by Franz Schubert" ALL (not individually uploaded) songs in the catalog are referenced to the "Lieder" page, while a substantial number of them are in fact not found there. Of course, finding what is there and what is not is a time-consuming task...(but see the Lieder index I added at bottom of page "386 Lieder" (question: how can I make a table with 3 or 4 columns ?))



Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 9:01 pm
by mcroskell
Hello Fdamiani,

I was the one who made up that Schubert lists and the corresponding links. It must have been just before you changed it from lieder to 386 lieder. I had thought the edition you posted contained nearly all of the lieder and was probably only missing a few, not nearly 1/3.

I had initially considered trying to go through the list of songs posted on the page to try and match up each individual song, but when I realized they weren't sorted alphebetically, but rather in the order they appear in the edition, that became quite a daunting task. It took quite a while just to go through and add the link to the lieder page for each song, I can't even imagine how long it would take to go through a list of 386 items to find each individual song.

If the Breitkopf edition could just be added to that page, that would pretty much solve the problem, as then all the songs would be located on the page that the list currently links to.


Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 11:46 pm
by aldona
The individual Lieder that I am uploading are from reprints of the Breitkopf & Hartel edition.

It would be a very lucky person who had a copy of the entire edition, and there are a lot of reprints out there (mostly of 15-30 lieder at a time in individual Kalmus or Lea study scores). Because of work commitments I will only be able to upload a few at a time (and mostly on weekends), so it might take me a while.

Whichever way one decides to categorize the Schubert-Lieder, it will always cause headaches for one reason or another. But speaking as a musician (and collector), if I am looking for a particular song I will search either
(a) by title (in German), or
(b) by D-number.


Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 12:01 am
by imslp
I now would rather just go with one song per page, and let the category intersections sort out the crowded-ness of the composer category.

Which means the 386 lieders will have to be split (maybe through an official project like the BGA). But thanks Fdamiani for uploading them! :)

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 12:19 am
by goldberg988
I have access to the entire Complete Works edition, from the Dover reprints of the late 60's. I will try to upload some of the Leider.

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 6:37 am
by mcroskell
I agree about the one song per page. I thought that would be the best way to do it to ease in finding the particular song one wanted, however, since the whole lieder page was already set up, I just went along with it when linking the songs. However, with a list of compositions set up for Schubert now, I don't really think we need to worry about the composer page being overcrowed, as just like the Liszt page, one can go to the list and look up the specific piece they want.

May I suggest that anytime someone uploads a new song now, or when the effort begins to divide up the 386 already posted, to go and change the link on the Compositions list page to redirect the link that is currently set to the lieder page for all songs to the new page for the individual song.