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Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 5:33 pm
by Peter
For the statistics of the number of files, the IMSLP # is used. However, as files are deleted, combined, splitted, etc, this number does not correspond to the actual number of files. This page shows the number of files more accurate. Shouldn't we use this number?

And, wouldn't it be nice to track the growth of IMSLP by plotting the stats on a chart? I suppose this demands serious coding skills that I don't posess... :?

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 11:54 pm
by imslp
You're right about the number not being exactly accurate... but the problem is that I'm too busy right now to really code anything substantial (which would involve LOTS of testing that I don't have the time for; I'm glad I managed to get most of the coding done over the summer).

About the stats... you could check with, but there's no real good "chart" until we get into the first 100,000 or so websites (which shouldn't be *that* hard, but will take some time). And I can't really take time out to code it, at least not during the semester (probably could during winter break).

There's also a mystery in IMSLP's growth that happened on the 22th of last month, when there was a sudden threefold increase in traffic, which has been sustained ever since. Before the 22th, the average daily traffic was 1GB, but now it's more than 3GB. Inspecting the referers shows "" as a major one that started on the 22th, yet the number of referrals aren't *that* much, compared to some other sites (e.g. Wikipedia), and only took up a fraction of the total number of referrals. Ever since then, our rank went from around #600,000 to #250,000-300,000 (weekly) on

I like surprises, especially when they're good :)