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Posting in more than one audio format

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 11:28 am
by sasagerzeljdonaldson
FLAC and mp3 both have their strengths as formats for IMSLP. FLAC is an open codec, and preserves the original file's audio quality. Mp3 is nearly universally supported and therefore the resulting files require no additional transcoding to work on devices that have not been or cannot be configured to work with FLAC.

I'm happy to post my files in both formats, and did so for my recording of Schumann's Humoreske at,_Op.20_ ... _Robert%29 (actually, I used ogg in that case since FLAC was "unofficially" supported at the time of submission). I'm worried, however, that this practice of posting two copies might be viewed as using excessive disk space or causing visual clutter. If the latter is the case, perhaps the interface could be modified to allow for the desired format to be chosen by the user.

Are there any thoughts on this issue?

Re: Posting in more than one audio format

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 2:00 pm
by sasagerzeljdonaldson
Update: My performance of Pour le piano ( ... MSLP118760) was uploaded in FLAC, and now that it has been approved I can see that IMSLP does not support FLAC streaming. This complicates the matter even further.