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Re: New category - Basso Continuo Sources

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 8:52 am
by Elamrotem
steltz wrote:Uploaders can most certainly suggest tags
steltz wrote:Tags can't be suggested.
Well, in my opinion it was a great idea to include text sources ["writings"] in IMSLP, but it should have a different upload page. The current upload page is appropriate for music pieces only and therefore the normal tagging system is not too relevant.
Maybe a new upload page, built especially for "writings" could supply a better pre-tagging system. As there are quite a lot of "writings" it might be worth thinking about it.


Re: New category - Basso Continuo Sources

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 12:52 pm
by KGill
I think she probably meant tags can't be suggested in some sort of automated user-driven mechanism, or something like that, since while the tagging guidelines can and have been amended on many an occasion, at any particular point they can be assumed to be immutable - that is, they apply to every page in the same way, so any 'suggestion' for exceptional tagging would technically be a suggestion to change the guidelines themselves.

Re: New category - Basso Continuo Sources

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 6:35 am
by steltz
Sorry for the confusion -- I shouldn't have used the same word both times! In the sense that tags have to be done according to MLA guidelines, no, they can't be suggested. But we have corrected several tags because people brought things to our attention -- either genuine mistakes, or things like a title that changes because someone uploads an earlier edition. Once the title changes, the tag frequently has to change too. Also, a subtitle can indicate a tag, and these aren't always filled in when the piece is initially uploaded. People bringing these details to our attention help us keep things accurate, since once a piece is tagged, it no longer appears on a list of things to check.