Composers/works Encyclopedia and free interpretations

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Composers/works Encyclopedia and free interpretations

Post by baragar »

Hi everyone, first of all, I would just inform you that I am Swiss and don't speak very well English, sorry for the inconvenience =)

I saw any topics below one with the name of "30 sec clips", which was proposing to add little excerpt of played works. Actually this is all except simple.

But I think that interpretations played for more as 50 years are in PD, isn't it ? (it's so in France, for example early Cziffra's, I actually don't how is exactly is with Canada =/ )
If this is really the case, it would be possible to numerize all CD, cassettes and vinyls which are older than 50 years and host it with the scores. (as without-teacher-piano-player, I find really good and comfortable to listen to some music before studying a piece)
We could give links to clips too.
This is my first idea : incorporation of interpretation to the IMSLP.

Second idea : to write an encyclopaedic content to composers and pieces, so we could learn any cultural informations near playing pieces.
Concretly, it means for example : create a page Beethoven or Mendelssohn and writing there what you know about them.
Or adding to scans advises how to play this or that.

Friendly yours,

Leonard Vertighel
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Post by Leonard Vertighel »

As far as encyclopedic content is concerned, I think we should not try to duplicate the efforts of Wikipedia - rather contribute over there and just link from IMSLP. Wikipedia actually has also some recordings (though not many).

Uploading recordings to IMSLP has been discussed several times, but there are several problems, so probably we will not do this in a foreseeable future.

Linking to Youtube, or to any other provider of legal and freely accessible recordings, should not be a problem, I think. Maybe we should develop some guidelines as to what kinds of links are (not) admissible.
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Post by imslp »

I agree with Leonard. I don't know if you are the same person who e-mailed me about this recently, but the main issue is the copyright. Of course, it is absolutely true that recordings first released more than 50 years ago are public domain in Canada, but there are two problems:

1. IMSLP do not currently have the manpower (and enough knowledgeable people) to maintain the copyright checks for recordings, especially seeing how they are going to be much harder than publications.

2. There are still not many recordings that are in the public domain (only those before 1957, which is not a lot). The project may well be very feasible in, say, a decade.
Yagan Kiely
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Post by Yagan Kiely »

What about linking to certain recording on the net? has quite a few has orchestral pieces.

There are actually quite a few.
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