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Re: New Main Page full redesign project

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 3:33 am
by imslp
Icactus: I just gave you sitedesigner privileges, meaning that you can modify Mediawiki:Common.js and Mediawiki:Common.css, which will in turn modify the JS/CSS for the entire site. Because of this, please don't modify any of the existing styles or JS.

For the search box, you will probably need to tell me the exact HTML of what you want, and I'll add it to the code.

Re: New Main Page full redesign project

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 2:54 pm
by icactus
new revision up:

I have written the search box script - it just needs to have the html embedded. Also, I think it would be nice to have that search box mounted above every page aligned right like wikipedia does. If we do that then we could change that search box on the front page to some sort of browse funtion.


Re: New Main Page full redesign project

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 4:02 am
by Carolus
Looking pretty nice. Don't forget the PayPal button.

Re: New Main Page full redesign project

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 10:27 pm
by icactus
As requested: Here's the code for the search button. I think it would look best at the top of every page like wikipedia does. In which case I don't know if there is a separate .css file you want to put the css code in or if it still just goes on the common.css

here's the css:

#newsearchwrapper {

#newsearchwrapper form {
.newsearchbox {
top:2px!important; /*firefox*/
top:12px; /* ie6+ */
.newsearchbox_submit {

And now the html for the searchbox:

<div id="newsearchwrapper"><form action="WHATEVER YOU HAVE IT DOING NOW">
<input type="text" class="newsearchbox" name="s" value="" />
class="newsearchbox_submit" value=""

Re: New Main Page full redesign project

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 10:32 pm
by icactus
it's not scalable by itself but I can make a different sized box for the top if needed.

Re: New Main Page full redesign project

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 1:51 pm
by feldmahler
If you only need this search box at the top like the current Wikipedia, then don't worry about it. IMSLP is upgrading to the most recent version of Mediawiki in a few months, and after the upgrade IMSLP will look exactly like the current Wikipedia.

Please tell me if you still want this search box to be free-floating (i.e. embedded into a page).

Re: New Main Page full redesign project

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 2:53 pm
by vinteuil
Looking good. I like the ability to see the whole main page at once now :P

Re: New Main Page full redesign project

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 3:50 pm
by icactus
if the change is a few months off, i think it would be a good idea to embed the search box for now and then once the upgrade happens it can be converted into something else (a couple browse buttons for example). For now i think it is of utmost priority to have a search function front and center (kind of an important part of being a library is the ability to find things...).

In terms of the redesign, the only major thing left is copying the layout to the other language pages. I played around with other types of right side menus for the featured, newscores, newrecordings, but within the wiki it just became to complicated and less and less browser friendly and I'm happy with the functionality and look of the current boxes.

If anyone sees any omissions (other than browse buttons which are missing on purpose) or has any tweaks or suggestions before moving ahead to make this live speak up!

Re: New Main Page full redesign project

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 8:20 pm
by feldmahler
Icactus: The searchbox code will replace the current one in the next few days, at the latest over the weekend. Also, if you haven't put the CSS in Mediawiki:Common.css yet, please feel free to do so, as it will not be in the code.

Re: New Main Page full redesign project

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 8:59 pm
by icactus
done and done.

Re: New Main Page full redesign project

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 4:37 am
by icactus
100 million CSS hacks later the search box is functional and the page is ready to go! So try it out in weird obscure browsers and let me know if it holds up. We should be ok until ie10 comes out. Page should be fully scalable and all layout elements are defined by % so it should work regardless of screen size, resolution, etc.

Other than that, i've cleaned up all the language and it's ready to go live. how exciting :D Any last requests or comments (other than: "I hate the whole thing." "this is stupid." "i want to go home." "are we there yet?")? Anyone? Bueller?

Re: New Main Page full redesign project

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 4:40 am
by icactus
fyi you might need to refresh (ctrl f5) the mainpage to get a current version of the common.css file... but i might be wrong about that.

Re: New Main Page full redesign project

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 7:21 am
by Davydov
Hi Icactus. Using Google Chrome 12.0.742.122, there's a strange effect produced by clicking inside the search box, whereby the outline of a yellow rectangle of a different size appears around the search box. Clicking anywhere else on the page makes the yellow rectangle go away. (If I were a little more skilled in using images in the forums, I'd do a screen dump for you).

Re: New Main Page full redesign project

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 7:30 am
by icactus
i'm downloading chrome right now to troubleshoot. I don't have safari so that's the only major one i can't check. I'll find a fix for the chrome issue though. thanks!

Re: New Main Page full redesign project

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 1:03 pm
by feldmahler
Just a small thing: would it be possible to select a fancier font for the header (IMSLP/Petrucci Music Library)?