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Why are there no Bach scores? You suck.

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 4:32 pm
by imslp
It does not mean I hate Bach... in fact Bach is one of my favorite composers.

The reason there are no Bach scores is because of the lack of staff basically. I do indeed have all of Bach's works (scanned), and they are the 1855-1899 critical edition no less. However, I'm busy doing other composers right now (currently at Grieg), so I do not have time to sort out the Bach scans, which comes in 47 books (i.e. PDF files). Plus, I know jack (zero, zip, nada, etc.) German, which does not exactly help, as the critical edition is all German.

If anyone is interested in helping sort out the Bach scans, please e-mail me at . Be prepared to do the following:

1. Do research on the BWV catalogue, and be able to provide a BWV number for each piece.
2. Be able to tell me how to cut the file (which page numbers are what piece).
3. Be able to submit the sorted scores files onto IMSLP.

-- Feldmahler

Bach, etc

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 8:11 pm
by Guest
It's amazing that people can get insulting about a free service!

A suggestion that I propose is that, in addition to the score pages that you are creating, you might give links to other sites. Thus, for example, for Bach, the Well Tempered Clavier can be found readily at ... index.html.

Nearly all of Bach's scores can be found at the site,, but it can be confusing.

There are others as well: e.g., has a lot of Bach, as well as others...much like your site. There is also

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 11:28 pm
by imslp
lol... the insult was me insulting myself :)

Anyway, for whatever reason there is, I cannot access the "" site (I get a 404). I know about Mutopia; I do not know, but it seems like just a list of other sheet music sites.

The difference between IMSLP and Mutopia/WIMA(Werner Icking Music Archive)/Gutenberg is basically in that IMSLP will primary host scans of public domain works instead of retypesetting it. That's why I'm releasing scans of the critical edition (a word/phrase musicologists will swoon over) of all 1000something of Bach's works and putting it up.

The problem is, of course, getting enough people to actually get it done.

Bach Gesellschaft Edition

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 1:19 am
by Carolus
I have the whole thing in PDF format, which I bought on E-bay last year. The scans appear to be of reasonable quality, and I'll be happy to share.

I assume regular old unlocked PDFs are OK.

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 4:26 am
by horndude77
I think they are ok if the PDF's themselves are public domain. For example, sells public domain scores in the form of PDF's but the pdf's themselves are copyright (I believe it's the scan that's actually under copyright so converting it won't do). I'm not sure there's a way around that.

Best Online Casinos

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 12:45 am
by Freddy189

Re: Best Online Casinos

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 1:39 am
by kongming819
What is all of this???
This has nothing to do with the thread!
Hey IMSLP, is this against anything in the rules?

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 1:42 am
by kongming819
imslp wrote:Anyway, for whatever reason there is, I cannot access the "" site (I get a 404).
The reason is the address included a syntax error (note the comma at the end of the url)
this should help. select the "non guitar" option when looking for scores

Re: Best Online Casinos

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 8:15 am
by ReignMan

Re: Best Online Casinos

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 9:33 pm
by kongming819
ReignMan wrote:
spam image
LOL, nice...but how did it get here? And why?

SPAM defined for Kongming

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 2:51 pm
by Sphemusator
SPAM is internet slang for unwanted and irrelevant messages, generally interpreted as an acronym for Sending Prolific Amounts of Mail.

i.e. advertisements for sites that are of little or no interest to the users of most fora.

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2006 2:40 am
by kongming819
I know what spam is...
I just don't get how spam ends up in a music forum...


Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2006 11:54 am
by Sphemusator
If it made sense it wouldn't be SPAM :D

There are, and presumably always will be, people in business who think that mass-mailing is more efficient than trying to identify and target a specific market.

They remain wilfully ignorant of the damage they actually do to their business by wasting the time and energy of people who might otherwise be potential customers.

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 3:21 am
by kongming819
Oh LOL...thnx for defining...
Anyways, back to Bach scores. Has Feldmahler visited that one link I fixed?

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 6:35 pm
by imslp
horndude77 wrote:I think they are ok if the PDF's themselves are public domain. For example, sells public domain scores in the form of PDF's but the pdf's themselves are copyright (I believe it's the scan that's actually under copyright so converting it won't do). I'm not sure there's a way around that.
Well, imo, if Carolus did not get any type of license agreement, then the PDFs are not protected by law insofar as he is concerned. I highly doubt scans have copyright in themselves, because they are not usually considered creative works. However, it might be possible to license PDFs as part of a computer software, etc.

Even if the PDFs *are* licensed, imo Carolus has not committed a crime by thinking it is in the public domain as long as he is unable to find evidence to the contrary, because this assumes that the eBay transaction is lawful (innocent until proven guilty). If there is an infringement of copyright, it would be by the person who sold the scores on eBay, and not Carolus himself. This is like a pawnbroker selling a stolen item; he has no reason to think that the item he bought was stolen.

Of course, I'm not a lawyer, so I welcome corrections to this theory :)
kongming819 wrote:Has Feldmahler visited that one link I fixed?
I think I did a while back... haven't been there recently though.