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I have many questions...

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 2:14 pm
by xlsoul
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: soul xl <>
Date: 2010/6/7
Subject: I have many questions...


First,Sorry,I come from China and I am not good in English,So if there are some grammar mistakes,Please forgive me...

I am building a website about ACG sheet share,(ACG means Anime,Comic,Game),You can visit "" to see it.(You can see the design of the index is very similer to IMSLP,because I like it)

I set a MEDIAWIKI to share sheets( like IMSLP.But there are many problem in my WIKI:

1.I can create a special page ( I can only create one special pages in one extension( see that you can create many speical pages by one extension(
(,how can you make that?

2.You can create a new page by "add composser""add work""add file" ,but i can only create a new page by api.php(title=123,text=123...).I make a speical page to post the title and text to api.php.however you know that there many part combine to a "text".I must create many form but I can not write code like "text:=1+2+3"in one pages because at that time I don't know what's the 1,2,3.I must make two pages to do that like "page one:write down 1 2 3 and post to page two:x:=1+2+3,text:=x".But in IMSLP.You can do all that in one page directly.It's amazing!how can you do that?
You can also upload the file and create new page in one pages it means that you post the form to two php,how can you do that?

3.IMSLP MWE (MediaWiki Extensions) is written by yourself.If you can.Can you tell me more about that?It is center of all question.

I request you can ask these question in simple grammar.But I know there many term in Computer,so you can reply the letter in your way.Thanks!

xlsoul in Beijing 2010-6-7

Re: I have many questions...

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 1:56 pm
by daphnis
First off, please do not triple post in our forums. One thread is plenty. Second, how is your new website going to handle copyright information for the submitted files? Since this is supposedly all recent material that is almost certainly under copyright, are these just fan transcriptions?

Re: I have many questions...

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 11:33 am
by xlsoul
daphnis wrote:First off, please do not triple post in our forums. One thread is plenty. Second, how is your new website going to handle copyright information for the submitted files? Since this is supposedly all recent material that is almost certainly under copyright, are these just fan transcriptions?
First, Sorry for that I post in two parts of forums because I don't know where should I ask these questions,FAQ or Announcements? Now i have already know that,thanks!~

Second, Although the keynote of website is share sheet.But the sheets in my website is different from IMSLP.Most of sheets in my website are written by fans.The copyright of music is still belong to composer or company who made work use these music.It's quite different from the ACG sheets and Classical music sheets.There almost no company or company will sale the sheet of the music(like most pop music).In fact,the sheet of pop music especially piano or other Instruments transcription almost written by fans and most sheets will not published for commercial purposes.

The sheet of music are all written by fans so there many version of the sheets.It is not like sonata or symphony or concerto. the sheets of sonata or symphony or concerto are identified.

I don't know that if it is Infringement the copyright of composer.Maybe you can tell me more about that.thanks!

Re: I have many questions...

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 6:12 pm
by daphnis
This thread should probably have gone in the "Music Related" or "Off Topic" forums.

Depending on where this site is being hosted, I would strongly urge you to carefully examine the copyright laws of that country before launching a site like this with intellectual property. While in many countries, fan transcriptions such as these can be licensed under a Creative Commons schema,and in others this would be considered protected.

Re: I have many questions...

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 1:15 pm
by xlsoul
daphnis wrote:This thread should probably have gone in the "Music Related" or "Off Topic" forums.

Depending on where this site is being hosted, I would strongly urge you to carefully examine the copyright laws of that country before launching a site like this with intellectual property. While in many countries, fan transcriptions such as these can be licensed under a Creative Commons schema,and in others this would be considered protected.
I realized the importance of copyright,But you know the copyright of sheet is not very clear in china and there are no example which I can reference.But there are many example websites on the web. I will learn more about this.thanks!

In addition,Only a technical problem,I also want to learn how to realize this effect which I say on the top on Mediawiki.Maybe you can tell me something or someone how know that? thanks!