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As the library grows

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 8:22 pm
by Sphemusator
I am tremendously impressed with the way the library is growing. I have felt for a long time that it was absurd that so many little-known composers' works should be available through the internet in sheet music form, but with the exception of J.S.Bach, I had not seen many scores by the great composers until now.

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 6:36 am
by imslp
The problem now is that IMSLP is growing in jerks, and I'm partially to blame (been away for a while). Let's hope that as IMSLP gets more known the speed of submission is more constant :) Of course, a new fresh source of scans is also in need... I think I've gotten addicted to complete editions lol

Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 6:02 am
by horndude77
Don't be so hard on your self. I don't think you're a jerk at all :). All internet communities are bound to pick up a jerk or two after all.

(Sorry, that's how I read it the first time. I'm just kidding.)

Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 12:48 pm
by imslp
Well... another problem now is that has been assimilating the IMSLP collection for the past few days. They have already finished everything from A to G, and doesn't look like they'll stop until they get everything on IMSLP. I'm not exactly happy with this development, but I guess it is fair game. Maybe we should mass submit their collection too? That'd require some coding work though... but their collection seems to have a lot of hot air... :/

I guess the goals of and IMSLP conflict to a certain degree. But I do not at all like their "closed" model, and their complete commitment to quantity over quality. This does not mean I'm a quality freak (I only desire quality insofar as the conditions allow), but I do not like how far they've gone. And the amount of ads...

Oh well, I guess it might bring *some* publicity to IMSLP (it's in the "web sources" part of the file on anyway).

Update: Apparently they've finished, though leaving out some of the scores.

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 4:13 pm
by Sphemusator

I'm very glad that came to light. I have been debating whether I can afford to post any of my late father's works (which I am in process of re-engraving and reissuing).

My problem is that I have currently no paid job, and have been living by liquidating one asset after another to pay bills. Although there has been very little interest in the music of James Butt I continue to hope that things will improve. :?

For what it's worth, whenever anybody asks me where they can obtain free public domain sheet music, I am now listing IMSLP as first choice.