Bruckner Seventh Symphony
Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 2:56 pm
The orchestral parts for the Bruckner Seventh Symphony offered by IMSLP are said to have originated with the first publisher, Gutmann, then being reprinted by Kalmus. Reprinted by Kalmus they are, but they did not come from Gutmann. They are instead parts near to the published edition of Leopold Nowak, but without the ritardandos in the finale and perhaps other features as well. Heaven knows how they got out of the rental bins. These parts, while undoubtedly useful, have contributed in an unconstructive way to the present highly-ambiguous textual status of this symphony. Use with caution; check with Nowak and Gutmann; check with the critical report written by Rüdiger Bornhöft.
William Carragan
Contributing Editor, Bruckner Collected Edition
William Carragan
Contributing Editor, Bruckner Collected Edition