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Visibility in google

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 12:03 pm
by guest_Peter
Currently, ISMLP is not very visible in Google. For example, try "Beethoven public domain sheet music" (which seems a common search term to me), and IMSLP does not appear in the first 150 results :shock: :shock: :shock: . So the only good referrer is Wikipedia, probably by entering links on the composers pages. How can we augment IMSLP's visibility?

Btw, did you see that has been bought by some capitalists, maybe due to the rising popularity of IMSLP, because it's listing sheet music links :(

Re: visibility in google

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 3:22 am
by BKhon
Very late reply, but I think all of these forums deserve some sort of response... even if they are 4 years late ;-)

To briefly answer the question: We can simply include more common search terms IN this website itself (i.e: Scores, sheet music). Of course these days that problem has largely been fixed (although four years that wasn't so).