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Piano part available?

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 9:40 pm
by cmmoore
I am interested in the full orchestra version of the d'Indy -- opus 25 --- symphony on a french mountain aire...

there doesnot seem to be a piano score included in the "parts" scores list for the full orchestra version ----

Do I need to know something I have not yet discerned? or is the part missing??? can it be obtained and loaded.... Do I need to do anything else but ask here in this forum????

this whole project and site is FABULOUS!!!! --- but I have just recently found it -- so I am learning... I am part of a small community orchestra (non-paid musicians) ---- so you may be a true savior for us!!!

thanks for any assistance..... Charles Moore.... [email address deleted]

Re: Piano part available?

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 10:00 pm
by steltz
Dear Charles: I've deleted your email address. I know you haven't asked someone to privately mail you the score, but we don't allow or encourage private file sharing, so I've taken the address out.

The way the system works is that if a part is really missing, you post about it (just like you've done), and hopefully someone can scan it and upload it so that everyone has it.

However, I think you're in luck, because if I read the page for this piece correctly, you can use the Piano A part from the 2-piano version. It should be the solo part. Piano B looks like it is simply the orchestral reduction.

Please post back if this isn't the case. :D