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Augener Edition No. 5900 Scarlatti 25 sonatas 1917

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 1:35 am
by D. Gilbert Morgan
Selected and Edited by Thomas F. Dunhill.
This selection of 25 Scarlatti Sonatas is unique in that Dunhill has adapted the modern pianoforte to Scarlatti rather than other editors' adaptations obverse attempts.
My mother wrapped her chords around this Augener/Dunhill edition in 1917 when she was a student at St. Olaf College.
I would like to gift it, donate, to a library, university, museum, or appropriate professor.
Do any of you have a suggestion as to whom I may contact?
Thank you, D. Gilbert
Playwright, Lyricist, Composer

Re: Augener Edition No. 5900 Scarlatti 25 sonatas 1917

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 3:38 pm
by Eric
do you have a scanner?... (actually, now I'm wondering if this is the edition I got at a recent booksale- it took me awhile to identify the Scarlatti sonatas therein by Kk numbers, and then I put it away and misplaced it. now i'll have to go look. sounds like the Dunhill edition would be a good one for us to have, spread over the appropriate workpages of course.

Re: Augener Edition No. 5900 Scarlatti 25 sonatas 1917

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 6:54 pm
by D. Gilbert Morgan
Eric -- did we ever resolve our past correspondence?

D. Gilbert