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Linking to Hathitrust

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2011 6:16 pm
by Eric
Previously "full-text" Hathitrust scores seem now to be copyrighted and only searchable and partially viewable (though they're still listed as full-text on their site until you try to read them). At least, when I try to, I mean. Is anyone else having this trouble, first off?

Re: Linking to Hathitrust

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2011 8:33 pm
by steltz
My bigger problem with Hathitrust is that it requires me to login to determine whether I can download a PDF, and unless you are affiliated with a very small number of libraries (I think U MIch is one), you aren't allowed. So it's not really free access at all.

Re: Linking to Hathitrust

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2011 9:51 pm
by Eric
Ah, well that answers that question- it won't let me even get to any page where I have that option even in principle. Every single work page (so to speak) tells me it's blocked for copyright reasons, so there would be no question of logging in unless maybe to get past that point. I say that answers that question because since you are still able to even be denied access to a PDF download, you can at least get to a point where the question arises, so it's something about my setup or my IP number, or something. (No, Eric, it really is you. :) )

Checked with someone else. Either I'm doing this wrong, need to reboot my machine/clear cache whatnot- or they have me on a blocklist. Hrm. Will try former before deciding on latter.

Re: Linking to Hathitrust

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 9:45 am
by coulonnus
I would be glad to help if you would provide the URL from which you start and what you type in the research field. At present I tried
"Full text Search", X full view only.

I can view the documents but the problem is that the search results contain many, many results of scanned catalogs, magazines, texts etc. mentionning the score I'm searching :( An "advanced search" page would be welcome!

Re: Linking to Hathitrust

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 9:50 am
by coulonnus
Sorry there is an Advanced search: I'll try out.

Re: Linking to Hathitrust

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 12:07 pm
by Eric
am now able to see at least some things at Hathitrust so can say that the problem is no longer happening, but thank you.

Re: Linking to Hathitrust

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 12:43 pm
by imslp
Even if you cannot download the PDF directly, you can still recreate the PDF from the JPEG files on the book viewer (of course, this doesn't work with search-only items). Simply download individual JPEG files of the pages, convert them individually to PDF, and merge the PDFs using pdfsam. A script will do nicely here.

For example, for a Hoffman book about Beethoven ( ... 5009612675), we have the following URLs: ... =100;seq=1 ... =100;seq=2
et seq.

You can even increase the size parameter, though I haven't figured out whether it will increase the actual resolution, or whether it is just resizing the original image.

Re: Linking to Hathitrust

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 1:58 pm
by coulonnus
imslp wrote:Even if you cannot download the PDF directly....
I tried this search: All Fields=Von den wichtigsten Pflichten eines Organisten Author=türk
The second result offers "full view". Go into the book viewer. In the left column you see "Download PDF - this page". This works even if you cannot login. Afterwards merge the pages with your favorite tool.

Re: Linking to Hathitrust

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 2:59 pm
by Eric
thank you very much - and I expect I shall find that helpful though again, my problem had nothing to do with PDF and was that all pages offering "full view" that I could find were doing nothing of the sort and leading to "copyright problems" errors instead (from which no PDF link would have been available in any case). This seems to have been (1) solved (2) have been purely a local problem in any case and not something I should have bothered others about but simply have rebooted my machine...

Re: Linking to Hathitrust

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2013 12:33 pm
by Maniax
Hi all,

I know the topic is a little bit outdated, but just for information:

I've found this little tool on the web to download pages and create pdfs from documents:

Hathi Download Helper ... lper.shtml

May it helps you too. :D

Re: Linking to Hathitrust

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2013 8:27 am
by coulonnus
Maniax wrote:I've found this little tool on the web to download pages and create pdfs from documents: Hathi Download Helper ... lper.shtml
Thanks. Non-US users may not download 1873-1923 Hathitrust documents. Hathitrust isn't Sibley Library :-) Is this download-helper a workaround for non-US users, if it is US located?

Re: Linking to Hathitrust

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2013 12:02 pm
by Maniax
Yes, non-US users can setup a proxy to get access to those books. But of course, at first you need to find a working proxy, e.g. on
Proxies of type Socks4/5 works best for me.

Re: Linking to Hathitrust

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 4:48 am
by normanpotamo
Hi, I know this is not exactly a music related request, but since you were talking about Hathi...

By any chance could anyone in the US right now check if this book can actually be fully viewed in your country? ... 1065267047

I can't access the book and I can't get Hathy Download Helper to download it or even get its info either.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Re: Linking to Hathitrust

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 11:26 am
by cypressdome
Yes, it is viewable in full here in the U.S. Since the book appears to have been published in 1909 it isn't viewable outside of the U.S. Also, Hathi Trust disabled the ability of the Hathi Helper application to download images.

Re: Linking to Hathitrust

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 3:17 pm
by Eric
Hrm, that's interesting, does that mean we're applying copyright law wrongly in having material published in 1921 by composers (&c) who died more than 70 years ago, be PD-everywhere? The only copyright issue I can see here is "Arthur Croxton, b.1868, d.?" and he might indeed have died after 1943 (the last published work of his, assuming he is not the same as Arthur Croxton Smith, that I can find offhand, is "Crowded nights - and days ; an unconventional pageant", ; Wikisource has him dying in 1952. This, not the 1909 date of publication I would think?, is what would (or should) make that book non-PD-EU. Mind, I don't know Hathitrust/Google's internal rules (which make no sense to me and often have me regretting that they have control over digitization of such a large ... ah never mind, I need to be somewhere and should not get started. The number of wholly PD books they treat like previews is fairly rotten, or so it seems to me. But nevermind.)