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Calling all code knowing types for Sibley Project

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 7:31 pm
by icactus
I've written some Python code that automatically figures out what the latest links are that need to be appended to the Sibley Link List and filters them against recent uploads. The only thing to have this completely automated is to be able to allow the code to edit the wiki and append the new links to the end of the Link List Page.

I don't know of any way to do this but I would think it was something a PHP could do perhaps. That way it could be run on a server that could update the list daily and we'd never have to worry about keeping track of what has been uploaded or not.

Any knowledgeable coders out there with thoughts? I know it's not the most efficient way to write it but I'm self-taught as of a few weeks ago so go easy on me.
UPDATE: So nevermind. I have a working automatic update now. It just has to be schedule to run from my computer. Ideally this would be something to rewrite and move to the IMSLP server somehow but in the meantime I'll set it up to update once a day.

Now if only it would be as easy to automate the sibley uploading process!!