Dear all,
I'm using the IMSLP API to get data about some pieces. I had no problem to get data from the file #99157 [1], however I could not get from the file #05673 [2]. Both files are scores of [3]. The file #99157 is a complete score and #05673 is a score of the first movement of the piece. Then I tried to get data from other files, such as #216096 and #05674, another complete score and the second movement's score, both scores of [3]. I got the fist one, but not the last.
Thus, I'd like to know if I am proceeding badly or if there is another way to get data from files of score movements.
[1] ... r=accepted
[2] ... r=accepted
[3] ... Sebastian)
Thanks in advance,
Marcos Sampaio.
API: complete score, movement score
Moderator: kcleung