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Empty Peachnote View

Posted: Sun May 24, 2015 6:32 pm
by Craigbakalian

I have been complaining about the Peachnote view for some time now. Recently on my page (I am a composer, or think I am one) the Peachnote view is now on every composition. Yet, most of them do not show the score at all. Why?

Is there a way to remove the Peachnote view from my pages?

Craig Bakalian

Re: Empty Peachnote View

Posted: Tue May 26, 2015 11:27 am
by coulonnus
Does "Peachnote view" means the View icon near "PDF typeset by composer"? Could you please provide examples of pages with this bad feature?

Re: Empty Peachnote View

Posted: Tue May 26, 2015 10:41 pm
by Craigbakalian

Re: Empty Peachnote View

Posted: Wed May 27, 2015 7:37 am
by coulonnus
Thanks for these links. Well, my retypesets less than a few month old have the same bug, and my scans less than a few month old don't even show the View icon! Who is behind Peachnote? Does it work like a robot? Even when the View feature works fine the Search feature of Peachnote doen't find the melodies in my retypesets.

Re: Empty Peachnote View

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 4:52 am
by Eric
Seems to affect a lot of workpages, both manuscripts, regular (movable-type typeset scans, as in, regularly published), and computer-typeset uploads that have "view" buttons. I'm I guess slowly mulling over conjectures over the difference - if any - between workpages and files on those pages whose "view" buttons are working at all (rather than showing blank space as you say), those which are working well but "Loading..." slowly, and those which are working well (maybe they have to be downloaded manually a certain number of times first to show increased scale of user "interest"? Erm... ... dunno!!!) - Don't know for certain if there's any sort of direct relation to the Peachnote Character Recognition/Reader database, either though I gather there may be some relation of some kind...