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Why can I no longer upload a revised version of my own score?

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 12:35 pm
by dtoub
Someone marked one of my pages as protected:cascading. I need to upload a revised version of my own piece and can no longer do so. Lots of issues I've had with this site since it was relaunched and this is just one of many frustrations. How can I get this reversed. Bad enough you all won't allow me to remove my works altogether from this site; at least let me upload a newer version of a piece of my own.

Re: Why can I no longer upload a revised version of my own score?

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2018 5:56 am
by Hobbypianist
You can add new revisions now, protection is removed.

After that discussion regarding work titles there was an announcment / desire to remove everything, this usually triggers a lock down of all pages. (Same would happen if pages were blanked or files removed from work pages.) HP