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A bit confused about submitting
Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2019 3:13 pm
by ptoye
I'm new here as a contributor, so please make allowances for my ignorance.
I've just transcribed and edited a PD work for performance from the rather illegible 1st edition and would like to submit it. I looked at your Composer Portal, and got very confused about how I should go about it.
Method 1 says that I have to create a new composer page - but I'm not a composer, just a retranscriber. Or does "composer" in this context refer to anyone who submits?
Method 2 says that it's for arrangers and editors only, but then almost immediately says that I have to create a composer category page, referring me straight back to Method 1. The composer of the piece is already in your database so I shouldn't have to re-create it - or is this referring to the wider definition of "composer" I asked about above?
Can some kind soul please let me know how to start? I still have to decide which copyright protection to apply - that may take some time.
Re: A bit confused about submitting
Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2019 2:48 am
by cypressdome
Create a "composer" category for yourself. Once created on that category page you should see a gear icon in the upper-right corner. Mouse over it and you should see an option for "You are this person (associate)." Do that. Now that you've done that go to the work page for the composition that you have typeset. When you mouse over the "Add File" in the upper-right corner you will see an option for "Add your own edition." Select this and upload your edition. Once that is uploaded when you go back to your "composer" category page you should see that work page under a tab entitled "As Editor." Hope this helps.
Re: A bit confused about submitting
Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2019 9:30 am
by ptoye
Thanks. I'll try that when I have time.
it's a bit more complicated that that! The work I've edited is an arrangement (not on IMSLP but by a composer who is) of a work that is on IMSLP. When I've done what you suggest if I have any problems I'll come back.
Re: A bit confused about submitting
Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2019 12:21 pm
by ptoye
Back again - having a small amount of difficulty. I created myself as a "composer" and uploaded the score. I was is some doubt as to whether to submit it as an "arrangement" (which it is, but not by myself) or an "edition". In the end, I settled for "arrangement" as that gave it a separate tab under the main composer's name.
But I'd like to get my name into the "editor" slot. Looking at the page in the editor, I see what looks like a special template for the arranger:
Code: Select all
but I can't find any reference to these templates in the help files to work out what I should put in for editor. Is this information available anywhere please?
Re: A bit confused about submitting
Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2019 8:21 pm
by cypressdome
You would want to input the following to identify you as editor of the typeset:
Code: Select all
|Editor={{LinkEd|First Name|Last Name}}
Re: A bit confused about submitting
Posted: Wed Dec 25, 2019 10:41 am
by ptoye
Thanks very much - I'll edit it. Are these special templates documented? I haven't found the web page yet (but haven't looked very hard).
Have a good Christmas and New Year.
[later] it seems someone (yourself?) has already edited it. Thanks.
I've prepared (I think all the typos are out but still have to check) another version of the same music, this time with the Primo and Secondo parts laid out on opposite pages - some duettists find this easier for performance. Presumably I can just add this to the existing page. I could also provide separate Primo and Secondo parts - easier for performers who upload the music to their MacBooks. Do you think this is worth while? I'd suggest leaving out the editorial notes.
Re: A bit confused about submitting
Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2019 2:19 pm
by cypressdome
Unfortunately documentation on the wiki can be very spotty. A list of all templates can be found
here. Some of the templates will have an explanation of their usage found on the template's page. It seems that few of the Linkxxx templates do. A primo/secondo layout would be valuable and it can be added to the same page and in the same fashion. Once added it can be merged into the section containing the previously-uploaded score. Thanks for your contribution.
Re: A bit confused about submitting
Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2019 4:33 pm
by ptoye
I see what you mean! I haven't even managed to find any templates called 'Linkxxx'!
Re: A bit confused about submitting
Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2019 3:34 am
by cypressdome
Sorry, I meant the xxx as a placeholder as there are a number of templates beginning with Link (LinkName, LinkCompS, LinkEd, LinkArr, etc.).
Re: A bit confused about submitting
Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2019 10:52 am
by ptoye
I had actually realised that, but I couldn't find any templates beginning "Link..."!
I've found them now under "Formatting".