Composer naming error

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Composer naming error

Post by JDH »


This composer's name (submitted by myself) is more accurately: Emil Karl Janser

Sorry about this error. (The quartet movement came from a collection of one Robert Collins, deceased, former principal cello of the Bangor Symphony, Maine, USA.)

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Re: Composer naming error

Post by Davydov »

Done. Census records indicate that Janser was born in Switzerland in 1874 before moving to Massachusetts, and was still alive in 1920. If he lived beyond 1943 then that would affect the copyright status of his works in the EU.
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Re: Composer naming error

Post by Eric »

I think he was still alive in 1938, at least. (Mentioned in Macmillan's (Wier) of that date in the present tense; in 1933, earlier, Copyright Records - circumstantial evidence I guess... esp. since not a renewal I think... hrm. Would be interesting to know more surely...)

In 1921 (I think) this gives the name of the musical director of the Springfield Symphony Orchestra as Emil K. Janser and as "Emil K. Jansen' (a few lines apart, too). I think the latter is a typo since I think I've seen the former given as connected to the Springfield Symphony elsewhere, but it might be that I'm barking wrong tree up with that possible connection, too...
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