Raftuniversity wrote:I would say Erich Wolfgang Korngold
Beautiful melodies like Puccini
Massive thrilling orchestras like R.Strauss
Epic climactic phrases like Mahler
Heart wrenching songwriting like Zemlinsky
Prodigious talent like Mozart
Tragic life story/alienation like Rossini
Korngold covers all the bases. I wish orchestras and opera houses would program his music...
The most underrated opera of all time is Korngold's
Das Wunder der Heliane without a doubt. It is a great opera that totally outshines
Die Tote Stadt. I don't know if that qualifies him as the best.
I don't think I've added any input to this topic, so I'll say that I personally believe Richard Wagner the greatest composer. He was a brilliant orchestrator and vocal writer, wrote beautiful melodies, reformed the opera world, was extremely innovative, and revolutionized harmony as well as staging for operas. He did it all.