dwil9798 wrote:Messiaen's Saint Francois d'Assise is more overdue for a performance.
The Messiaen has been performed recently in Europe and the production is on DVD. It is a mammoth task to undertake and, to judge by the cost of the score (see the recent Messiaen discussion in the Score Requests section) enormously expensive to do. Being unable to afford the score and to judge the work only by that DVD performance and the 2 CD recordings I have, I frankly would prefer to have the Janacek, much as I love most of Messiaen's other music (with the exception of the Quartet and the incredibly thorny Livre d'orgue). The NY CIty Opera's production of the Janacek, with sets and costumes by Maurice Sendak, is way overdue for a revival. If I could call forth big Messiaen, I'd rather have
La transfiguration de notre seigneur Jésus-Christ , which is just as rarely performed as his opera.