Antonio C. Cartellieri Woodwind Sextets

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Antonio C. Cartellieri Woodwind Sextets

Post by cdseaton »

There are several wonderful Cartellieri woodwind sextets recorded by Consortium Classicum. Where could one find the parts or scores to these Carterllieri pieces? Somewhere there must be a score, or score and parts, either as archives, or published entities. Any suggestions for tracking them down would be greatly appreciated.
Charlie in Canada.
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Re: Antonio C. Cartellieri Woodwind Sextets

Post by KGill »

A WorldCat search gives no hint that these were ever published; although it is certainly possible, the scores (and parts as well) must be exceedingly rare.
Sorry not to be of much help :?
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Re: Antonio C. Cartellieri Woodwind Sextets

Post by steltz »

Consortium Classicum has a website with contact details of Dieter Klocker, its founder leader. He seems to have been instrumental (excuse the pun) in unearthing many manuscripts of unknown works. Though I don't always agree with his conclusions as to who wrote what (the clarinet concertos he feels are by Haydn -- I really feel they are by someone closer in style to Weber), he has found a lot of very nice music, no matter who wrote it.

Try contacting him to see where the manuscripts are -- if you get extremely lucky, it might be somewhere like SLUB Dresden, a library that is doing some digitizing. On the other hand, it also might be a private castle somewhere.

I wouldn't mind a job where I get to trawl around old libraries and castles to see what's there (nice work if you can get it . . . .).
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