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I wonder if these Masterpieces in Piano Etudes have been r

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 3:01 am
by feast888
When I grew up in VietNam, my teacher knew about French, USA, Taiwanese, and Soviet Union Piano Pedagogy thru the Viet Nam Conservatoire and informed me that the Soviet Union Classical Pedagogy back in 1980's was the best.

I purchased only 1 book based on availability back then in 1983:

(Russian): Etiudy dlia fortepiano na raznye vidy tekhniki : uchebnyi repertuar detskikh muzykal'nykh shkol : 5 klass.

(Ukrainian): Etiudy dlia fortepiano na rizni vydy tekhnyky : uchbovyi repertuar dytiachykh muzychnykh shkil : 5 klas.

Compilers: R. Hindin, M. Karafinka.

I found the info that M. Karafinka had taught at

Kyiv Central Music School

Kiev Special Music School

I suppose that this music school library still housed these volumes. It seemed that they considered M. Karafinka a great teacher there .

I am interested in purchasing reprints of this Etude book set.

Please evaluate if you could print (OR POST ON THIS WEB) all 7 volumes of

the various types of technical / assembly. R. Gindin, M. Karafinka. Ukraina, Kiiev. Ukraine , Kiev . I õ/a.; II õ/a.; III õ/a.; IV õ/a.; V õ/a.; VI õ/a.; VII õ/a. I O / yr, II O / yr, III O / yr; IV O / A, V, O / yr; VI O / yr; VII O / A

(Russian): Etiudy dlia fortepiano na raznye vidy tekhniki : uchebnyi repertuar detskikh muzykal'nykh shkol : 5 klass.

(Ukrainian): Etiudy dlia fortepiano na rizni vydy tekhnyky : uchbovyi repertuar dytiachykh muzychnykh shkil : 5 klas.

Compilers: R. Gindin, M. Karafinka.

Edition: Izd. 6., pererab.

Pub Info: Kyiv : Muzychna Ukrainia, c1982.



Studies the various types of technical / assembly. R. Gindin, M. Karafinka. Ukraina, Kiiev. Ukraine , Kiev . I õ/a.; II õ/a.; III õ/a.; IV õ/a.; V õ/a.; VI õ/a.; VII õ/a. I O / yr, II O / yr, III O / yr; IV O / A, V, O / yr; VI O / yr; VII O / A

Thank you in advance. Have a wonderful week.

Edition: Izd. 6., pererab.

Pub Info: Kyiv : Muzychna Ukrainia, c1982.

It was in the Russian Alphabets Cyrillic ,but was converted /translated to me as above by the Slavic Studies librarian . at U of Washington as above.

They also found for me the. only institutions that appear to own this method book are the Library of Congress and the University of Toronto. I was told by a Ukrainian Pianist that there were 7 volumes, altogether. I already checked with Russian on-line stores. It turned out that no reprints have been made available ever since the USSR Soviet Union fell apart.