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Ludwig Spohr Piano Quintet No. 2, Op. 130

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2018 3:32 pm
by JimL
I have noted that the key in the description of the work is given as D minor. Although the 2nd movement Scherzo is indeed in the minor, the actual key of the work is D Major.

Re: Ludwig Spohr Piano Quintet No. 2, Op. 130

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2018 3:42 pm
by cypressdome
The page has been updated to reflect the correct key, thanks.

Re: Ludwig Spohr Piano Quintet No. 2, Op. 130

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2023 11:45 pm
by Eric
Why do you say the correct key is D major? The first movement is in D minor. Having nothing to guide you but listening to the work, how would you be able to tell that it was in D major and not D minor? Nothing about it, afaik, harmonically, distinguishes the key sequence from several Haydn D minor symphonies- first movement in D minor ending in D major (and only in its last few bars!!), finale in D major...

But then again, since Beethoven's 5th symphony is in C major and Mahler's 9th is in D-flat major, by general agreement, I can see how the finale, not the first movement, is used to decide these things as a general thing.