dear admins. someone just mass-tagged 100+ pages as checked, of which a great deal were already perfectly identified by the submitter. I thought this was not the goal of the tagging system !
We should keep the checked cat as low as possible. The person probably thought that the "new" cat was getting full, but there is really no rush needed for the tagging!
Now these files are lost in the checked category, and will probably never be tagged again, in contrast to the new category, that eventually will get cleaned when someone has the time.
Hi Peter, Sorry! I'm the guilty party. I was under the impression that the "checked" category was for items we were 90% sure were public domain. When I saw the huge list of new things from Liadov, Catoire and Mozkowski - all of whom died more than 70 years ago - and spot checked a few (3 or 4) titles which were not precisely identified apart from being from the Russian piano site, I went ahead and "checked" them all with the idea that we'd identify exactly at some later date.
I would appear from your description that the poster did actually identify the original publisher in most cases. My random sampling must have landed on the ones that didn't have a publisher attribution. I realize that most publishers did not put dates on scores, but there are certainly instances where we know for sure that they are free because the publisher in question went out of business before 1923. Jurgenson is a perfect example, because (apart from the very recent resurrection of the name in 2005 by a Russian concern) they issued nothing after 1918, the date of their appropriation by the Soviet regime.
I believe there is a technical solution out of the problem of the "Checked" category being too crowded I can just create a special page that lists only the "Checked" files that have modification dates, and thus excluding all of the automatically tagged files up to #5600. That should solve the problem of nobody ever looking at it again, and allow people to tag things as "Checked" without worrying about it disappearing into the void
I'll probably do this after I consolidate all the current tag show pages into one super page hehe
well, it now appears to me that my random sample included mostly dated scores . There seems to be a large collection of undated scores from Julius Hainauer. I didn't find much on the net - was this company active after 1923?
No, Julius Hainauer died in 1897. From the evidence I've seen thus far, the publishing concern was either closed down or sold to another publisher very shortly thereafter. I think you can safely verify all Hainauer publications, just as you can those of Senff, Rieter-Biedermann, Jurgenson, M. Bernard, Richault, and Brandus - all of whom ceased to exist before 1920.