Berg's Violin Concerto ("To the Memory of an Angel"

General copyright-related issues and discussions

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Berg's Violin Concerto ("To the Memory of an Angel"

Post by Lorenzo »

What's the use blocking it here, when you can easily get it at
(Also, they have some stuff we don't have, like Wozzeck).
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Post by daphnis »

The blocking is temporary and only as a precaution. Many other things has (including Wozzeck) is not eligible on the site due to copyright issues in Canada. Wozzeck, for example, is ineligible because the arranger of the piano reduction died less than 50 years ago, securing its copyright in Canada.
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Post by Lorenzo »

I know that it's temporary, but then can't we just link to their site without blocking it at all? I mean, we can't upload Wozzeck, but they have - so linking to it is not actually hosting it. where's the problem at that? (And forgive me if that's already an option because I'm a new user on this site and I never uploaded a single sheet).
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Post by daphnis »

Because that score is under copyright everywhere in the world, and by us linking to it we are effectively condoning copyright violation, and that is an image we will not portray especially since there are those companies/individuals out there heavily scrutinizing us for any minor infraction, waiting for us to trip up somewhere. We strive to be a law-abiding group and will not risk tarnishing that reputation with some score-link.
Lyle Neff
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Post by Lyle Neff »

daphnis wrote:Because that score is under copyright everywhere in the world, and by us linking to it we are effectively condoning copyright violation, and that is an image we will not portray especially since there are those companies/individuals out there heavily scrutinizing us for any minor infraction, waiting for us to trip up somewhere. We strive to be a law-abiding group and will not risk tarnishing that reputation with some score-link.
I would add, Lorenzo, that the same IMSLP policy affects sharing of links on this bulletin board as well -- i.e., if someone posts a link to a copyrighted file, the post will be removed or edited by the powers that be so that the link does not show here.
"A libretto, a libretto, my kingdom for a libretto!" -- Cesar Cui (letter to Stasov, Feb. 20, 1877)
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