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More copyright reviewers

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 9:24 am
by Funper
There are more than 3500 works pending copyright review. Now, there are only 5-6 copyright reviewers and that makes this process slower than it have to be. I suggest a great expansion of the administration team. Maybe an addition of 10-20 newcomers?

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 12:28 pm
by haveallsheet
i am here if u need me
i have lots of sheet
almost 7,5 GB of sheet so if u need me call me =)

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 3:10 pm
by Yagan Kiely
i am here if u need me
i have lots of sheet
almost 7,5 GB of sheet so if u need me call me =)
Don't take the negatively, but generally a forum isn't a chatroom or MSN, so please take time to spell out things. This isn't a rule, but more netiquette. 'u' is not a synonym to 'you'.

This has been suggested many times, and when things are sorted out, more will be added. That said, if someone come about with Carolus's knowledge of scores and copyright, they will be added immediately if willing.

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 6:00 pm
by Carolus
FYI, the number of files waiting to be reviewed has decreased by more than 500 since re-opening. This in addition to approx. 1000 new titles being added. I'd say our review team is doing a first rate job, and getting it done fast as well. Yes, I'm on the review team, but I'd really like to give Peter, Daphnis, Hobbypianist, Matthieu, and Mcroskell three cheers for a tremendous job. As of this writing, we're down to 3315.

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 6:21 pm
by imslp
Funper: This is in planning, but it is just that we are currently very swapped with other work (I'm still working on fixing everything I broke). I assure you that this will happen in due time.

In fact, right now might be least desirable time to search for new copyright reviewers. Copyright reviewing is not something that one can do easily even after passing a test and knowing the copyright basics; it requires a lot of actual experience. Unfortunately, due to the work load, current copyright reviewers are too busy to help new copyright reviewers, and to show them how it should be done. So it might actually be a good idea to start looking for more copyright reviewers when the copyright reviewing load is less rather than more.

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 6:35 am
by Carolus
Just a note to let everyone know that we just went below the 3000 file mark in the last couple of minutes. I'm sick of tagging right now and will try and get some sleep!!

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 8:30 am
by adeadsniper
My sincerest thanks to those of you on the copyright review team. Keep up the good work! Just being able to watch the number of files pending review dropping is a great pleasure. Can't wait to download a few of the locked pieces!


Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 11:59 am
by Peter
haveallsheet wrote:...almost 7,5 GB of sheet so if u need me call me =)
this quote kind of excludes you, as you clearly have a misconception of what copyright review is.

On topic: everything will be reviewed in a couple of months, and the current submission rate of +/- 50 scores per day is quite maintainable for the team right now. Of course, at some point more reviewers will certainly be needed (from september on I will do considerable less reviewing) , probably selected with an exam or something - but 10-20 may be over the top as of course new members get an eye watching over their shoulder.

For those eager to be a member and can't wait: in the meantime, you can prove yourself useful by making perfect submissions or correcting incomplete submissions - however of the latter, accessible examples will be hard to find.

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 12:04 am
by Carolus
I'll just add a small remark to Peter's above. There are a number of items that are marked "checked" (usually C/V/C) which are available for download, but really should have the complete publisher info, etc. in order to bring them up to the full V/V/V status. Items originally produced by some of the commercial operations like CD Sheet Music, Everynote, and some of the collections available on DVD from Ebay typically remove all of the original publisher information (plate numbers, original titles, editor names, arranger names, original page numbers, etc.).

When items of this nature are removed, it makes it that much more challenging to correctly identify any given score. Most of the commercial operations are located in the USA, so it's fairly safe to assume that anything in their numerous offerings is actually free in the US - hence the C/V/C tags. So, if any here are interesting in becoming a member of the review team, a good way to start out is in doing the research on OCLC and various library catalogues to correctly identify what has been scanned. Even correctly noting the number of pages for files without this info is helpful. Showing some initiative like this is a sign that you might be able to work well with our review team.

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 8:41 am
by carmar1791
Sorry what is OCLC ?



Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 10:28 am
by Yagan Kiely

world cat is another similar site I believe.

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 11:09 am
by carmar1791

